Bright backpacks that help you stand out

Not everyone likes to stand out in a crowd, but if you like to make a statement wherever you go, then these bright and bold backpacks are for you. Whether you are going back to school, heading out on a travel adventure, or just want something fun for commuting to and from work, these options are sure to keep you from blending in.

Organize for Baby’s Back-to-School

Back-to-school is time to focus on kids heading to an educational institution, but babies and toddlers need to get back into a routine, too.

Herschel is available for pre-order on Best Buy

Since 2009, Herschel has been making bags with a unique, timeless style. Check out the Herschel bags available for pre-order on Best Buy right now.

Sony EXTRA BASS Bluetooth Speaker Review

Sony has released a line of Bluetooth speakers that has serious potential to shake up the market. Read this review of the Sony Extra Bass SRS series.

5 items you must have with your back to school laptop

Buying a new Back to School laptop? These 5 accessories will ensure you get the most out of your new laptop this upcoming school year.

Best video game gear for your dorm room

Back to school is just around the corner and we've got a list of some of the best video game gear for your dorm room. Come check it out!

Back to school dinner ideas: Shelly’s Friday Favourites

Wondering what to make for dinner tonight? Don’t worry; I have you covered. Here are three delicious back to school dinner ideas you can use when you’re in a hurry.

Delicious dorm room breakfasts: Shelly’s Friday Favourites

It’s a big adjustment when you make the switch from living at home to living in the dorm. You’ve got to say goodbye to fresh laundry every day and say hello to communal washer and dryers. You’ll also shop for groceries for yourself and cook for yourself, maybe for the first time ever. A lot of college students find it exciting when they think about setting up a kitchen and making meals every day, but the reality is a bit...

Top tips for organizing your dorm room

Whether you’re moving abroad, down south, or staying local for school this fall, if your plan involves living on campus, I can guarantee your dorm room will be small. That’s why it is important to think ahead about how you’ll keep your space organized–not just for your sanity and that of your possible roommate, but studies show that an organized space increases productivity and efficiency, which are assets that will definitely come in handy as a student.

The must have tech products for Back to School

For the 2020 Back-to-School season, families can benefit from using some of the latest tech products for learning and working anywhere.