Create a smart wireless network for your smart home

The most important part of your Smarthome network has nothing to do with the products you choose or how they interact with each other. Flashy coordination is nothing without a solid network connection. Without a stable wireless network setup, you won’t have a stable smarthome network. Read on about how to create an easy and smart wireless network for your smart home.

How to pick the perfect back-to-school smartphone or tablet case

The kids’ backpacks are packed, their lunches are planned, and you’ve argued out who’s going to be taking the kids to their first day back … but there’s always something that gets forgotten.   I have a cousin who had a tendency to leave his toothbrushes and shoes (how???!) behind when he was a kid, like a travelling Hansel & Gretel, but in August, it’s way more likely that you’ve forgotten something far less dire. Like, say, to update the kids’ (and your own!) phone and tablet cases for back-to-school.

Head back to school armed with these high-energy recipes – Shelly’s...


Coffee might help bring you back to life in the morning, but what keeps you going during those long days of class and studying? Food and only food can give you the boost to stay alert and conscious when the days get busy.   Here are some high-energy recipes to give you a boost every day.

How to protect your data like a pro

Given the amount of money we spend on things like smartphones, tablets and PCs it’s understandable that physical protection—cases, covers, screen protectors and laptop bags—are big business. What’s on these devices is often overlooked, though. If your basement floods and your PC is submerged you can buy a new PC. If you haven’t backed up the data on that computer’s drive, you have a much bigger problem and files like your digital photos, school work  and music could be gone for good. Don’t let that happen. Here’s how to protect your data like a pro.

Best Cocktail Apps for the Summer


 Summer cocktails are so much more enjoying outside on a patio. I’ve discovered two free apps to help you make the perfect beverage. 

Shelly’s Friday Favourites has a few ideas for back to school...

Like it or not, there’s no denying that back to school has arrived once again. Wasn’t it just yesterday we were all celebrating not having to come up with another lunch for kids who were sick of the ‘same old, same old?’ I know by the end of June I was ready to pull my hair out because my kids were sick of everything, but now that I’ve had some time away from the daily lunch grind, I’ve got some great ideas for back to school lunches. 

Spring home remodel projects: the living room

There is something almost magical about that first Saturday of the year when you wake up late, open your curtains and windows to let the glorious sunshine and fresh air in, and realize that spring has officially sprung. I immediately associated my acknowledgement of spring with the need to clean, re-organize, and refresh my home, beginning with the living room. So with my “spring refresh” hat on, here are my plans for the next month or so—plans that you can easily incorporate into your own spring living room refresh.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites – Christmas cookies loved around the world


Are you tired of sugar cookies yet? Does the idea of one more piece of shortbread make your stomach lurch? Do you get a headache at the thought of consuming yet another snickerdoodle? If so, you might just be suffering from Christmas cookie overload.   But don’t worry, help is here – when you’re tired of the same old, same old treats on the table, you need to try something different. And by different I mean from an entirely different country.

How wearables can prepare you for your next doctor’s visit

  Wearables are fun devices for keeping track of your fitness and activity levels. But did you know they can also come in handy at your next doctor’s visit? Here are some ways how. 

Shelly’s Friday Favourite presents Traditional Christmas Drinks

Tis the season to be jolly and that includes attending or hosting holiday parties, and it doesn’t hurt when you’re hosting if you serve some great traditional and no-so-traditional Christmas drinks. If you’re hosting a special holiday party or you’re wondering what to bring to a small get-together, here are some great drink recipes for the holidays.