Halloween treats and eats: Shelly’s Friday Favourites

Halloween is only a few days away. If you're planning on doing a little Halloween baking this weekend, here are a few treats you can try.

How to boost your computer’s performance by installing more RAM

RAM or Random Access Memory helps PCs and mobile devices work faster by allowing improved multitasking, the ability to have various files or windows open simultaneously and by enabling the use of larger files. Here’s how to easily boost your computer’s performance by adding more RAM.

What you should do if the screen cracks on your phone

We've all seen it (or done it): the sad conundrum of a cracked smartphone screen. Here's how to fix one, or how to prevent the issue altogether.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites: How to make homemade doughnuts

  Everyone deserves a treat day, and since we’re at the end of January and we’ve all been so good this month, I’m temporarily packing up the fruits and veggies and turning on the oven to make doughnuts. With recipes this easy, you're going to want to make them too.

How to connect an audio system to your TV – Wired...

If you'd like to boost the volume of your TV, all you need is an audio system. Here's how to connect one to a sound bar or a receiver.

Have fun teaching your kids how to cook safely in the...

Teaching your kids to cook at a young age has its perks, from getting their help in the kitchen for dinner duties to knowing they will be knowledgeable to eat smart as they get older. Furthermore, it’s a perfect opportunity to bond with your children and learn about their day. You never know, by the time they become teenagers, they could be preparing dinner every night before you even get home from work or while you chill out on the couch. A parent can only dream, right?

New Curved Samsung H8000 and HU9000 LED TV’s – How to...

Curved TVs are available in 2023. If you're looking for one for your living room, take a look at how to set up these TVs.

How to avoid boredom with your home gym

If you’re even remotely into fitness, you’ve likely heard of the acronym “HIIT.” If you haven’t, then let me clarify that HIIT does not stand for “Hit Intensely to Injure Trainer” but instead refers to “High Intensity Interval Training,” otherwise known as one of the most efficient ways to shed extra pounds, get into shape, and keep fit. With HIIT you’ll sweat, likely swear, perhaps cry, but relish in the results once you’ve committed some time to a regime. All you need is some will power and a few key pieces of equipment.

World Cup fever: how to watch games on your devices


Soccer fans across Canada are gearing up for a month-long competition/party as the 2014 FIFA World Cup kicks off today, with host country Brazil going up against Croatia. If you haven’t seen the cars sporting the window-mounted flags already, high-fived a co-worker wearing the appropriate team jersey, or heard the siren call of the vuvuzela, you soon will. And no, Canada will not be playing (last I checked, we were ranked 100th in the world by FIFA), but our neighbours to the South — ranked 13th— will be there. The problem with the FIFA World Cup is that many of the matches are played during inconvenient times. When you’re at work, for example. You only get so many sick days, so how do you maximize your soccer fix without jeopardizing your career or giving up on things like grocery shopping in favour of being glued to your TV? Look no further than your mobile device.

Smarten Up Series: Waking up to Sun Coloured Light

Sleep is such an important part of our lives even though we may not enjoy getting it with so many things to do and see. Regardless, there are ways to maximize the quality of your sleep in what little time you are in bed. In this final edition of the Smarten Up series, we discuss the values of colour with sleep as well as what smart home technology you can use to help you rest and wake up refreshed better.