How to use a flash like a pro

Flash can be a pretty unflattering style of lighting, and yet there are pros who use it successfully all the time. Today we’re going to look at some of the different ways you can use flash to make amazing photographs.

How to boost performance on an old PC or laptop like...

Many of us have an older PC or laptop kicking around that simply isn’t cutting it. The easy solution is to buy a new one. But there’s a cost to doing that and it isn’t always necessary. A relatively small investment in parts, software and labour can often make an old computer run like new. It may not be quite so fast as the current crop of PCs, but you can make it zippy enough that using it is enjoyable again. And if you still have an eye on an upgrade to a new model, you’ll have a nice machine to pass down to someone else. Here’s how to boost performance on an old PC or laptop like a pro.

Take a walk on the healthy side with slowcooker recipes on...

One of the reasons why I struggle with bad food choices is because I always wait until the last minute to start cooking, and then I’m completely starving before I finally get to eat. But I’ve found the solution to this issue, and it’s all thanks to my slow cooker.

How wearables can prepare you for your next doctor’s visit

  Wearables are fun devices for keeping track of your fitness and activity levels. But did you know they can also come in handy at your next doctor’s visit? Here are some ways how. 

How to protect your smartphone or tablet like a pro

Chances are you own a smartphone or a tablet—perhaps both. And if you do, you probably realize that you are carrying a very valuable piece of gear with you. They don’t just give these things away … You may not realize just how fragile these devices are, but when you think about it they have at least one entire side that’s a sheet of glass and the electronics within are sensitive to dust, moisture and physical shocks. Then there’s the data on your mobile device which often includes digital photos, your web browsing history, e-mail, instant messages and passwords. That thing is a ticking time bomb! However, if you protect your tablet or smartphone like a pro, you can make the most of it on the go—like it was meant to be used— without losing sleep. Here’s how to do it.  

How To Shoot Portraits Like A Pro

One of the main reasons we buy cameras is to take photographs of people, i.e. portraits. This week I’m going to give you some tips and ideas to push you further and help you make portraits that you’ll be proud to hang on your walls. 

How to Cut Your Cable Like a Pro

  You don’t have to be a pro to get rid of your cable subscription—all you have to do is call your cable provider. But what you need to figure out is how will I get great entertainment to watch. The good news is that there are more options every day for finding excellent content. But quitting your cable subscription cold-turkey can be pretty intimidating, especially if you tend to watch a fair bit of cable. I am going to try to make it easier.

How to know exactly where you are spending your money

I’m by no financial expert, but I have two things going for me that have made me somewhat of a pro in the “know where your money is going” category. First, I work for a large financial institution and part of my gig is to understand what we all “should” be doing with our finances. Second, my financial history is very similar to the Titanic—an epic fail—so I have had to make changes in my life to avoid future “icebergs.” So with that said, here are some tools, tips, and tricks to help you know where your money is going and be a financial rock star in 2015 and beyond.

Kick start your morning with healthy breakfasts – Shelly’s Friday Favourites

Eggs benedict, maple bacon pancakes, and monkey bread – these are just a few of my favourite breakfast foods. But if you’re eating healthy, having a big and heavy breakfast might not be in the game plan. You don’t have to miss your favourites too much though, because there are substitutions you can make for your favourite recipes to make them into healthy breakfasts. Here are a few of my healthy breakfast recipes:  

How To Shoot Photos Like A Pro

It’s the start of another year, full of possibilities and potential. A good friend of mine recently mentioned that she’s planning to get serious about her photography this year, and I’m sure there’s a lot of people out there who’ve had the same idea. So I thought I’d put together some ideas to help our readers here on the Plug-In blog push their photography further.