Review: Fat tire fun with the Surface 604 Element All Terrain...


There are two things you need to know about Fat Tire Electric Bikes – one, they’re unlike any bike you’ve ever ridden before and two, they’re so fun they’ll make you forget about every other bike you’ve got in your garage. I’d go as far as saying you’ll be hooked on Fat Bikes with just one ride – at least that’s what I discovered when I toured the Surface 604 factory and rolled away on a Surface 604 Element Electric Bike myself.

Healthy Halloween treats for Trick-or-treaters


Halloween isn’t just about candy. You can offset the spooky effects of too much sugar with healthy Halloween treats, snacks and toys.   With the alarming rates of kid obesity and hyperactivity, binging on too much candy isn’t a good idea, so why not make this the Halloween where your ghoulish holiday is fun, safe and healthy.

Review: Get quick, easy fitness tracking with the LifeTrak Zone C410


Right out of the gate, there are 3 things to really like about the LifeTrak Zone C410 fitness tracker – it tracks your activity level and gives you detailed and useful fitness information, it measures your heart rate just by touching it, and it’s one of the easiest to use fitness trackers I’ve ever tried. It does what it sets out to do and it does it so simply that anyone, even people who find fitness watches and fitness trackers complicated, can pick up and use the device within minutes. 

Camping essentials for an amazing outdoor experience with friends


 Summertime always reminds me of all the amazing camping trips I’ve had in the past. Few experiences can compare with chilling out by a campfire under a blanket of stars with some of your best buddies. I’m fortunate in that I’ve had lots of opportunities to go camping over the years, and have amassed quite a bit of gear to help make any camping experience awesome. So, what do you need for a successful camping excursion? Read on for some of my recommendations for what to bring camping with friends.

Grobo Start smart indoor garden review: can it give you a...

Whether you know a thing or two about gardening or don't, the Grobo Start Smart indoor garden is a simple way to grow fresh herbs and vegetables inside.

How to create crafts like a pro

When I was in Grade 3 my mom enrolled me in Ukrainian Cross Stitch lessons. I had always been a creative child, but cross-stitch took my abstract painting and Play-Doh-ing to a whole new level. There’s something inspiring about being able to look at a pile of “stuff” and see something beautiful. It’s almost like being a MacGyver of sorts. Some might see a twig and a glue stick. I see a beautiful centerpiece. The thing is, to craft like a pro you don’t just need the desire to do so, but you need the right tools and an organized space.

Christmas comes to your kitchen early

With Thanksgiving just about here it's time to take a look in your cupboards and see what kitchen appliances and cookware you're missing to make hosting a large dinner easier. Read on to see some items you should treat yourself to to make cooking a large meal a breeze.

6 Outdoor Furniture picks to welcome Summer

I don’t know about you, but as soon as summer hits, I spend as much time outside as possible. Given that summer is right around the corner, now’s the perfect time for you to do the same. So to help you create an enviable outdoor space and welcome summer, I’ve put together a list of what I think are six great outdoor furniture options.  

Belkin WeMo Maker: control just about anything with your smartphone

If you have ever wished that you could control your garage door, lamp, or other “non-smart” device from your smartphone without breaking the bank, this simple and innovative solution will let you do just that without a tremendous amount of effort but at the same time it will make you feel like an accomplished do-it-your-selfer.

Winter warmth easily achieved with electric heaters & fireplaces

I love that I live in a country where I can experience the four seasons. What I don’t like though, is being cold. So, given the fact that winter has officially arrived, here are some ideas for you to stay warm when the snow is falling and the wind is blowing outside.