Review: ASUS Zen 24″ All-in-One PC [Video]

ASUS delivers a phenomenal All-in-One 24″ desktop PC with the Zen AiO. This machine is fantastic for games, work, entertainment, or multitastking any combination of those. It has a refined style and superb quality that will be at home on any desk.

Why a PC backup plan should be your New Year resolution

Don't lose your important data in 2018! I'll show you why a PC backup plan should be your New Year resolution.

Make your computer kid-friendly for the summer


 School is out and the kids are home! Here are a few things to think about as you get your computer and your kids ready to handle the summertime computing fun.

Top 5 photo printers


Two things have radically transformed photography in the past two decades. The first of course, is the rise of the digital camera with its ability to take limitless photos and instantly see results without having to wait for film to develop. The second is the growing popularity of photo printers. Thanks to the ability of these machines to produce high quality colour prints on demand, photo labs have all but disappeared. Photo printers have only gotten better, with higher resolution, faster printing and features on some like on-printer editing with built-in LCD displays, super-sized prints and wireless access. There are plenty of photo printers to choose from, but here are five of the best to consider if your printer needs are less about pages of text and more about high quality pictures.

Back to school: the perfect backup plan

Everyone (including students) needs to protect against data loss from drive failure, viruses or accident with a solid backup plan.

How do I upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10?

With Windows 7 losing its support from Microsoft really soon, let me show you how to upgrade your PC from Windows 7 to Windows 10.

Western Digital My Cloud Review: The Best Thing to Happen to...


Many of us have more data than we know what to do with. Digital photos, digital movies, MP3s and old school stuff like documents and spreadsheets can start to take up a lot of space on your PC. On your smartphone or tablet, it’s even worse —a lot of those photos get snapped on a smartphone and with limited storage, it doesn’t take long to fill them up. Cloud storage is always an option, but then you’re at the mercy of the provider and there may be charges associated with the service. Western Digital offers a compelling alternative —a “personal cloud”— with its My Cloud series of network hard drives. I tested a 3TB My Cloud drive and came away convinced that this is the best thing to happen to hard drives since USB.  

Apple unveils new iMac and iPad Pro with M1 chips

Apple unveiled a new look for the iMac, plus a new powerful build for the iPad Pro, each of which will run on the company’s own M1 processor chipset.

Top 5 tax questions answered during recent Twitter chat

It’s tax season, and while we at TurboTax adore this time of year as we get to help millions of Canadians get their taxes done right, we know that most people don’t get quite as giddy as we do about taxes. We’ve compiled a list of the top five burning questions you had for us during our recent #taxtalk Twitter chat with the Best Buy team. We hope they help you better understand your taxes.   

Eurocom M3 13.3-inch gaming laptop reviewed


As you no doubt know, when it comes to trying to pack the performance needed to undertake serious video gaming in a laptop, it comes down to a very tricky balance between speed and portability. Try to shove too much power in a gaming laptop and for all intents and purposes, it ceases to be a portable PC —heavy, bulky and with little battery life. Go too far in the other direction, though, and you end up with something that’s svelte but unable to play games on anything but the lowest settings. I just spent some quality time with a gaming laptop that manages to strike the perfect balance: the Eurocom M3. It’s a compact, lightweight laptop with the power to chew through pixels and polygons while keeping frame rates high. Eurocom says the M3 is the most powerful 13-inch notebook ever made and everything I’ve seen supports that claim.