Best activities to prepare for Winter Ski Season 2017
Ski season is around six weeks away, and that means it's time to tone up those muscles and get ready for that first day on the slopes.
Five Products to Help You Get Fit before the Holidays
The seasons have changed, but the summer bulge from drinking too many margaritas and eating at too many BBQ parties may linger. Sometimes we need landmarks in our cultural calendar to get us back on track. Yes, Thanksgiving is fast approaching, which may motivate us to hit the gym to justify a long weekend of gluttony. And then next thing we know, we’ll be invited to all the Christmas parties. Time flies! Let’s take charge before Netflix consumes us...
Protein powder will help fuel your body year round
Eating a healthy well balanced diet can be tricky at the best of times and it's especially important before and after any workout to ensure your body's getting the fuel it needs. Read on to see how protein powder is a great addition to any diet all year round.
Review: Tangram Smart Rope x Smart Gym Skipping Rope
When I was a kid I recall doing Jump Rope for Heart; in my hazy memory all I can really recall is that it was jumping rope for some indeterminate amount of time. To be honest, it felt like it was hours.That’s why I was intrigued when our editor-in-chief asked me if I’d be interested in reviewing a smart skipping rope; I was curious to see where Tangram, the manufacturer of the Smart Rope had taken it. Was it any good? Read on to find out.
Smartwatches that let you store and listen to music
Being wrist computers, smartwatches inherit many features from PCs and smartphones. The ability to store and play back music wirelessly via a bluetooth headset is one of these features that makes sense for active people or those who want to have their favourite tunes handy.
What you should know before buying a treadmill
I love all kinds of exercise, from running to cycling to shift some iron, but being able to consistently perform any of those things can be challenging. There’s been one piece of equipment that no matter where I’ve lived I’ve always wanted as part of my routine: my treadmill. Adding one to your home can be a great way to a strong baseline to your fitness routine, and getting the right treadmill can be the difference between using it or regretting your purchase. Let’s talk about what you need to know.
5 Spring Fitness Essentials you can find at Best Buy
There’s just something about springtime that makes me want to get outside, so it’s the perfect time of year to kick start your fitness routine. Here are 5 spring fitness essentials you can use to get up and out there this month.
Best gifts for active moms
Mother’s Day is just around the corner. Even though we should celebrate our mom’s all the time, May 8 marks the day when they deserve a special gift. Whether you are honouring your mom, grandma, auntie, wife or someone else, here are seven great gift ideas for the active woman in your life.
iFit – The new Running Technology
Never before has fitness been so influenced by and connected to technology. From fitness trackers to heart rate monitors to apps galore, there’s no shortage of tools available to help you sweat your way to your best self. But what if I told you there was a new virtual simulator service you can use with certain brands of cardio equipment that will take your workout to the next level? Well there is. It’s called iFit and it is all sorts of awesome.
Great Gifts for the Ultimate Sports Fan!
A number of exciting sporting events are nearly upon us, from the NHL & NBA playoffs, to the start of the Major League Baseball season, to the March Madness 2016 Finals, to Wrestlemania 32! As you can see, there’s truly something for every sporting taste. So if you know someone who’s the ultimate sports fan, here are a few gift ideas that will help to enhance anyone’s enjoyment of their favourite sporting events. Click through and read on for the complete list!