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Best Buy Showcase
 Osmo Little Genius Starter Kit Overview
Osmo Little Genius Starter Kit transforms your tablet into an early learning tool. Perfect for kids ages 3-5, they'll set off on a fun learning adventure.
Before you buy: Shop for major appliances like a pro
Shopping for appliances can be difficult, but it doesn't have to be. These four simple steps make it easy to pick the right appliances for your home.
Best Buy
Visit Brampton or Langley Best Buy Clearance Centre for deals on appliances and more
Save on thousands of open box major appliances, TVs and more at the Brampton Ontario and Langley British Columbia Best Buy Warehouse Sale.
Kitchen & Dining
Moving Tips: What To Do When Packing Up Your Kitchen
Moving soon? Join me today for an avalanche of useful moving tips to help you pack up and move your kitchen (among other rooms) to your new living quarters.
Smart home
How Ring Ecosystem Devices Work to Protect Your Home
The Ring Ecosystem is made up of Ring Alarm, Ring Stick Up Cameras, Ring Doorbell Camera, and sensors to detect floods and smoke.
Babybrezza Formula Pro Advanced review
The Babybrezza Formula Pro Advanced offers upgrades from its predecessor to help you automatically measure, mix, and heat formula for your baby.
Smart home
How Samsung SmartThings Will Instantly Make Your Home Smarter
Samsung SmartThings is an ecosystem for your smart home. The center of everything is the Samsung SmartThings Hub, and each device you add works together.
Baby Brezza Has Everything You Need For Feeding
Baby Brezza has everything you need for feeding your baby, from bottles and accessories of all kinds, to small appliances for making pureed baby food at home, and pouches to store it.
Small appliances
Breville Juice Fountain Plus Centrifugal Juicer Review
Breville Juice Fountain Plus Centrifual juicer is an easy to use mid-sized cold juicer with a 3 inch wide chute for whole fruit and vegetables.
Small appliances
Breville The Juice Fountain Cold Review
The Breville Juice Fountain Cold Review has Cold Spin Technology to avoid heating up as it pushes juice through an innovative mesh sieve.