Canon Announces Two New Rebel DSLRs: T6s and T6i
Canon has just announced the release of two new models in it’s EOS Rebel DSLR line: the T6s and the T6i. Today we take a look at the new technologies and cool new features incorporated in both cameras, as well as the differences between them.
How to use a flash like a pro
Flash can be a pretty unflattering style of lighting, and yet there are pros who use it successfully all the time. Today we’re going to look at some of the different ways you can use flash to make amazing photographs.
Thoughtful Valentine’s Day Gifts to Indulge Her Interests
This Valentine’s Day, spoil your special someone with more than just flowers and chocolates. Show your loved one how much you care by giving her a thoughtful gift that reflects her interests. Whether she’s a fashionista, adventure junkie, or true romantic, you can sweep her away with a thoughtfully planned gift or date idea from this Valentine’s Day guide.
How To Shoot Portraits Like A Pro
One of the main reasons we buy cameras is to take photographs of people, i.e. portraits. This week I’m going to give you some tips and ideas to push you further and help you make portraits that you’ll be proud to hang on your walls.
How To Shoot Photos Like A Pro
It’s the start of another year, full of possibilities and potential. A good friend of mine recently mentioned that she’s planning to get serious about her photography this year, and I’m sure there’s a lot of people out there who’ve had the same idea. So I thought I’d put together some ideas to help our readers here on the Plug-In blog push their photography further.
The Canon PowerShotSX60 HS Review: Who Needs A Telescope?
There’s no denying that the 65x zoom on the Canon PowerShot SX60 HS is the headline grabbing feature, and when you use it it will just blow you away. It’s like having a telescope that can also take photographs, and HD video. But is there more to this camera? Let’s find out.
The Best Cameras I Reviewed in 2014
Well if Christmas is on the way, then the end of the year must be just around the corner. And as ever, it’s a great time to look back on the year that was and reflect on the highs, the lows, and the in-betweens. As I have the good fortune to get to play with new cameras from time to time, I thought I’d look back at the best models I got to hold in my sweaty paws in 2014.
My Top 5 Cameras For Shooting Video
Video capture technology has come a long way in a short space of time. Up until a few years ago you had to have a specialized device to capture moving images, whereas nowadays it’s pretty much a given that your camera or smartphone will capture video and stills. Today I’m going to look at 5 cameras that have awesome video capture capabilities.
Get The Perfect Gift For Your Camera Fanatic!
December is here and it’s time to start planning the perfect Christmas – no pressure at all! Well you can reduce the stress levels by getting at least one present out of the way early. If you’re lucky enough to have a camera fanatic in your life, this is an easy one to knock out of the park because camera fanatics love new gear and here at Best Buy, we’ve got you covered. Today I’m going to pick out a few items that I personally would be very happy to find in my stocking on December 25th.
Take Your Photos To The Next Level With A Canon L-Series...
Did you know there’s a thin red ring on certain Canon lenses that instantly elicits nods of approval from Canonistas everywhere? This is because that red ring marks those lenses out as members of Canon’s coveted L-series, and among the highest quality lenses in the world. Today I’m going to talk about the advantages of using L-series lenses, and take a look at two models available right here on