Sony gives vloggers another camera in the ZV-1F

If you’re thinking of a smaller camera, Sony has one in the ZV-1F, a point-and-shoot model made to be simple to pull out and shoot with.

Share Your Photos Instantly With Wifi Enabled Cameras


One of the hottest new features in camera technology is on-board wireless capabilities, which allow you to download, backup and share your photos without the need to physically connect your camera to a computer.   Today I’m going to look a little deeper into the wifi functions currently available and the way various manufacturers are incorporating them into their latest models.

Take Your Photos To The Next Level With A Canon L-Series...

Did you know there’s a thin red ring on certain Canon lenses that instantly elicits nods of approval from Canonistas everywhere? This is because that red ring marks those lenses out as members of Canon’s coveted L-series, and among the highest quality lenses in the world. Today I’m going to talk about the advantages of using L-series lenses, and take a look at two models available right here on

Take great close up shots with Canon lenses

Today we’re going to look at two separate, but connected, areas of photography: macro photography, which is concerned with making images of very small objects, and close-up photography where, as the name suggests, we get very close to our subject.

Sony announces new vlogging camera—the ZV-1

Sony has just announced the ZV-1, a camera specifically designed for vloggers. Check out some of the interesting features of this awesome little camera!

DSLR camera buying guide

Discover everything you need to know about DSLR cameras and accessories so you can find the perfect match for your photography needs.

What kind of photographer will you be this year?

There are so many different ways to pursue a hobby in photography. Today we'll look at some of the ways to help you find your inspiration in 2017.

Ultimaxx mobile lighting and drone accessories

Today we're looking at a very interesting range of lighting and drone accessories from Ultimaxx. Such an interesting and diverse range!

Coolest Cameras For Capturing Holiday Memories

With Christmas just around the corner, now is a great time to start looking at some of the awesome cameras available at

Aputure portable photography lights review

LEDs are big in photography these days, but how well do Aputure’s portable lights fare when using them to take photos and record video?