Teach your children well: how to help with house cleaning

In the third part of this series about teaching kids well, we discuss ways kids can help with cleaning around the house.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites has back to school slow cooker meals for...

The phrase “starving student” doesn’t just refer to not having the money to eat, although that’s not a stretch when you consider the high cost of tuition, books, and living accommodations when you’re going away to school. Some students go hungry just because they aren’t quite sure how to quickly whip up a meal in their dorm room or first apartment. 

Preparing your outdoor space for cooler Canadian weather

Maximize your outdoor space in Canada's cooler months. Discover heating, lighting, and furniture tips for a cozy backyard experience.

Top 5 Wedding Photography Tips


Wedding photography is one of the most demanding forms of photography you can practice. You need to know your equipment inside out, and you need to be able to work fast and unobtrusively, you need to be creative at a second’s notice and make the best of the environment you’re in. You also need to have a really strong grasp of lighting and know how to deal with tricky low-light situations. Today I’m going to give you my top 5 tips for making great wedding photographs.  

10 lessons you learn as a new parent


 Becoming a parent for the first time is a bit of a scary thing if you don’t feel entirely prepared or ready to care for and nurture a smaller, smellier and needier version of you. Heck, even if you think you’re prepared … you’re not prepared for a baby. Not even close. But, while I can’t ease your mounting soon-to-be-parent anxiety, I will offer you the 10 lessons you learn as a new parent, as I know them. Maybe it’ll help.

Helpful baby maintenance tips

Having a baby is hands down one of the most exciting times of your life. If you're having your first baby it can be overwhelming thinking about cutting their tiny nails, bathing them and washing their delicate hair and scalp. Read on for some tips on grooming your new bundle of joy.

Best tech Mother’s Day Gifts in 2016

 The countdown is on to Mother’s Day and for the procrastinators in the crowd, panic may be starting to set in. If you haven’t picked out a gift for mom yet, no need to worry—I’ve got you covered with a collection of some of the top tech gifts of 2016 including portable music, wearables and even a new computer.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites – Delicious Halloween Night Dishes


Maybe because I’ve always been a fan of a good, old fashioned haunted house and am one of those people who can become unglued by a really scary movie, but Halloween ranks right up there with Christmas as one of my favourite times of year.   I’ve always been slightly envious of people who live in warmer climates during Halloween, because they are almost always guaranteed a nice night for trick or treating and great weather for getting outside and having some scary Halloween fun. But the one great thing about living in a place where the fog and chill sets in around mid-October? You have the opportunity to cook up and really enjoy some delicious hot food to get your Halloween night off to a great start.

Which room should you renovate first and why?

Ready to renovate? When it comes to three of the most popular rooms to renovate, the backyard, basement, and kitchen, which should you choose?

4 great baby buys to get outside this fall

Fall is here, and although it's getting chilly out there, that doesn't mean you and your baby need to stay inside. Take a look at these four great baby buys for getting you outside this fall.