Review: The Belkin WeMo Crock Pot brings slow cooking to your...
It’s oddly the smarthome device I’ve wanted most to see come to Canada, and it’s just about here! The Belkin WeMo Crock Pot is your traditional slow cooker with a 21st century twist. You can keep track of your meal while it cooks using the handy app, and even set and reset timers. Come take a look!
Wedding gift checklist for the mature bride and groom
What’s your favourite gift to give at a wedding? Most people have a standard gift, something like gift cards or a small appliance, that they like to give the happy couple just starting out. But what if the happy couple is a little older, a little wiser, and is getting married for the second time around? If you’re not sure what to get the happy couple who has been together for a long time but is only now tying the knot, here are a few great wedding gifts for the mature couple getting married.
Get cooking with the Kenwood Triblade Hand Blender
After I tested the Kenwood Blend X-Pro last week, I realized the latest blenders have more functions than almost any other appliance in my kitchen. Now that I’ve tried out the Kenwood Triblade Hand Blender, I’m really in awe of how far blenders have come in the past five years.
You’ll have blending power to spare with the Kenwood Blend X-Pro
Lately I’ve been noticing how my trusty old blender wouldn’t grind up almonds, and it struggled with anything other than the most basic of smoothies. As for frozen fruit, forget it, and it has never been the greatest when it comes to crushing ice either. That’s why when I was asked to review the Kenwood Blend X-Pro blender, I jumped at the chance. I wanted to see what the difference was between a basic blender and one that’s designed to do a little bit of everything and do it well.
Pre-Wedding Juicing
Weddings are stressful. The litany of decisions that have to be made leading up to the big day is seemingly endless. What font to use on the invites? What colour dress is the bride going to wear: white, almost white, somewhat white, kinda white, not super white but can pass as white, red? What about catering and decorations? Chocolate cake or vanilla cupcakes? What about flowers? The list goes on. And to add even more stress, whether you’re the bride, the groom, or in the bridal party, you’re going to be photographed more in the span of a few hours than ever before, so you know you’re going to want to look your best. That’s where juicing comes in.
Wedding gift checklist for the couple moving out of their parent’s...
Here’s what you’re going to need to ask for if you’re moving out on your own with your spouse for the first time!
Top 5 Blenders, as rated by Best Buy Customers
When it comes to blenders, one size does not fit all, and there are a lot of different makes and models to choose from. Hand or immersion blenders, countertop blenders, or even juicer/blender combinations – no matter what you want to use your blender for, there’s a blender to suit you. Here’s a look at the top blenders carried on as rated by you, the customers.
Life is easier than ever with the technology in today’s appliances
Today, not only does technology make household appliances a whole heck of a lot quieter than they used to be, but it makes life a whole heck of a lot easier as well. All you need to do is look at Samsung’s range of appliances to see how.
It’s Pizza Night on Shelly’s Friday Favourites
A lot of people do a pizza night at least once a week, and for many of us that night is usually Friday. Having pizza for dinner is a nice, casual start to the weekend and there are so many different varieties you just can’t get bored of eating it. If it’s pizza night at your house and you’re staring at the same old ham and pineapple, here are a few of my favourite pizza recipes to add some inspiration to your pizza night.
How to save money on your grocery bill like a pro
I’m one of the few people I know who enjoys grocery shopping. For me, it’s a challenge finding new and interesting products, getting the best price on those things I buy all the time, and saving money at the checkout. And because groceries make up a sizable chunk of my monthly spending budget, I like to save money on them as often as I can. Read on and I’ll share some tips that will have you saving on your grocery bill like a pro.