Home Computers, Laptops & Tablets harddrives and storage Enter for a chance to win Seagate storage from Best Buy

Enter for a chance to win Seagate storage from Best Buy


Article ImageModern computing accessories like Seagate storage solutions help boost productivity and security and are great for anyone who works from home. Some people want an ultra portable solution like the One Touch SSD that is light-weight and compact yet still able to store a lot of information. Others prefer a massive Firecuda Gaming Dock with the super fast Thunderbolt 3 connection to get the data to and from your computer with minimal delay, you know Seagate is a great option to handle your data. This contest has both options available as prizes: one winner will get the portable solution, one winner will get the high-capacity solution.

Seagate protects you from putting all your eggs in one basket

Idioms are beautiful language tools that, among other things, enable us to address complex topics in simple terms that are accessible to everyone. The idiom above about eggs in a basket is a great example: the eggs are your data; the basket is the harddrive in your computer; the risk is to lose all data if that one storage location fails or falls or is stolen, etc.

Industry experts have been advising people for decades to back up data. There was a time when that meant using multiple floppy disks; now it is much easier thanks to the options like those from Seagate.

How much storage do you need?

More than you think, is the short answer. If your data is mostly word files, pdfs, some image, for a small family or small business, then get 500 GB or 1 TB. This amount of storage is available in very small packages these days: like the Ultra Portable prize offered in this contest. Learn more about this prize in this article on the blog.

If you are a gamer and you need storage for huge game files, game downloads, or video files, then you need at least a couple terabytes and this contest has a 4TB prize that will serve your needs. I actually sent this product to Dave Neufeld for a review from a gamers viewpoint, and to Brad Moon for a review from a productivity viewpoint. Dave found that as a gamer, this was the ultimate epicenter of his gaming setup. Brad, however, suggested that you might not get the most from this unless you regularly managed large files, and had a computer capable of capitalizing on the high data transfer rates from the Firecuda.

So think about it: how much storage do you think you really need in your home? That’s the question to answer.

How to enter

Entering is easy but you can only enter once. In a comment below, tell us how much storage you think would be ideal in your home to backup data on your computers. Is 500GB enough or do you need a lot more?

What you can win

At the end of this contest we will draw two winners. One will win the 500GB One Touch SSD and the other will win the 4TB Seagate Firecuda Gaming Dock.

This contest runs from April 1st to April 15th

Remember you can only enter once. However, you probably have a friends or perhaps someone in your family who should backup their data more often. Tell them about the contest so they too have a chance to win.

Win Seagate Storage Contest Rules and Regulations

Good luck.
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Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. I think 2 TB is the normal these days given the quality and ease of making videos and taking photos.

    2TB and more is ideal for me

  2. In my opinion I think at least 1 TB is what we need in our our household. I have lots of photos, plus I do some work from home. Good luck all and stay safe!

  3. My youngest is Autistic so we are always copying files creating social stories and doing a ton of paperwork games and online activities. Combined with family photos and the kids online gaming we would need a ton of back of space.

  4. The more the better…photos and video files of our 6 year old take up a lot of space, so more than 500gb!!

  5. I don’t think 500G is enough for me, i work with a lot of high resolution video and with 8K video near the horizon i will definitely need more storage space.

  6. I’d say more just because we have a lot of people in the home who use the desktop for both work + fun!

  7. 500GB for backup should suffice for me. I mostly just backup school and some work related documents.

  8. I’m pretty sure that 500GB would be enough for me – currently all I’m storing is just pictures and the occasional file. If I decide to get into gaming, I think that I would probably require more than 500GB.

  9. Bonjour,
    Un disque dur de 500 GB serait adéquat pour sauvegarder mes trucs sur mon laptop.


  10. I presently have about 400g of photos, to be able to store the on there own disc would be great, either option would work

  11. I have 15TB of external Seagate HDDs hooked up right now. a 2TB/5TB/8TB all to backup my backups.
    I’d love to get my hands on a couple 12TB drives

  12. Games on my PS4 pro are taking up alot of space. A 500gb drive would be ideal to download more games to tough out this home isolation.

  13. As much as possible. Backups are important. HD for storage, SDD for working space and actively used programs.
    Both the SSD and the 4TB HD in my main box are full. I can always use more in the NAS. I’m currently dumping stuff to the NAS to try and clear up needed room on my computer. Crazy how it just builds up over time.

    Either prize would be appreciated. Either one would find a good home.

  14. 500 GB is never enough, I have so many things to back up. 4TB would be great! I have an old Western Digital 500 GB, but it has been near full for a long time.

  15. I have so many hard drives a 2tb for my PS4, a 2tb for my laptop and digital storage it’s never enough! I need another drive for my photos

  16. 500gb would be fine for me but my son would love the 4tb gaming dock! Thank you for the chance!

  17. As a gamer, a 4TB hard drive is exactly what I need to keep my games organized and ready to go when I need them!

  18. Gamer here, I need at least 4TB to back up all the documents, save files, and various bit and pieces. Funny how things change, 10 years ago 1TB was massive, now it’s inadequate

  19. I am planning on getting into video editing. I like to game a little on the side. I could definitely use a 4T storage drive.

  20. Definitely more then 500gb. I have multiple drives that I use for back up, as a designer sometimes I have very large files.

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