Create the best home theatre room like a pro using Sony

Every year an organization called Harris Interactive measures and rates the reputations of 100 of the world’s most visible companies. In the 2015 report, Sony was ranked as #13, which is pretty impressive considering how many big brands there are out there these days. So it makes sense that if you are looking at setting up a new home theatre system that you put Sony products at the top of your list. Here are two options for you to consider – one for bigger budgets and one for more modest budgets.

Get the party started with an audio receiver for the entire...

Get the most out of your receiver – use it to spread music throughout your entire home!

TV Features Explained – Part 4: Resolution

TV resolution keeps getting better. We have gone from standard definition to high definition to now 4K. There are even 8K resolution “Full Ultra High Definition” TVs, although you would be hard pressed to buy one. Where will it all end and do I really need the higher resolution of 4K? Sure more resolution is always better than less resolution, but there are several circumstances where it doesn’t make sense paying more for all those extra pixels. It is good to know the finer points of resolution, no pun intended, so you don’t pay more for not much gain.

How headphones can help students improve their grades

Studying to retain information, solve problems, or write papers requires you to fully tap into the material. Headphones facilitate this. 

What to watch in 4K now

You want to get the most from your 4K TV, and that means access to great 4K content. The list of available 4K content in Canada continues to grow monthly.

How Big Should Your New TV Be?

Less isn’t always more, especially when it comes to your TV. Best Buy has the perfect big screen TV for your media room or home theatre ready to ship.

Audio essentials for your home theatre

What do you need to make your home theatre audio set up truly great? And how can you take advantage of all the cool new technology?

CES 2016: Samsung Announces New Tablet, TVs and the smartest fridge...

Upgrades for the Gear S2 smart watch! New TVs! A smart fridge with cameras that orders food for you! That’s not even the full list of what Samsung announced at the Consumer Electronics Show today. Wait till you see what else they rolled out.

TV Features Explained – Part 1: Introduction

This is Part 1 of a series of posts that will explain everything you need to know about today’s TVs.

When to mount your TV and why you need a TV...

So, you’ve just purchased a brand spanking new, top of the line 65” 3D HDTV. You can’t contain your excitement. All you want is to get this new addition to your family out of the box and plugged into the wall so you can get started on your House of Cards marathon. I don’t blame you. In fact, I’m a little jealous. Now comes the question – to mount or not to mount? The ideal situation is to mount your TV on the wall above a TV stand that holds all your home entertainment components, but you can also go the TV-stand-only route. Here are the pros of mounting your TV on the wall, and some mount and TV stand options.