What you need to know about formatting for your external drives

This blog discusses the different format options for external drives to ensure that when you plug it in, it is going to do exactly what you need.

Stylish Fossil Purses for everyday wear

When it comes to a handbag for everyday wear, versatility and quality are key. So it's no surprise that Fossil purses are a great choice!

Osmo Interactive Creative Kit, Genius Kit and expansion packs review

Osmo is a learning system where reality meets a virtual world, and you'll love how it teaches kids to code, learn music, and teaches them to draw.

Review: Sonus Faber Chameleon T Speaker

Sonus Faber has represented the pinnacle of Italian speaker design for decades. Their newest line, Chameleon, takes their legendary sound, and adds a design feature never seen before in hi-fi speakers.

ASUS ROG Strix Scope II 96 wireless gaming keyboard review

The ASUS ROG Strix Scope II 96 is a wireless keyboard that has tri-band connectivity, ROG NX Snow switches, and a 1500 hour battery life.

How to set up multiple monitors for your computer

When it comes to sitting down in front of your computer, the more screen real estate you have, the better—especially if you have more than one monitor. Here’s how to set up multiple monitors for your computer.

10 kitchen tools every kitchen should have

Which kitchen tools should you get for your kitchen? I'll share my top 10 kitchen tools, and you can see if any of these are your favourites too.

Microsoft is getting serious about upgrading from Windows 7

To kick off 2020, Windows 7 users can look forward to aggressive, full-screen warnings from Microsoft that they need to upgrade to WIndows 10.

Top Five Gaming PC Desktops

I run down the best of the best for every budget and every preference with my list of the top five current gaming PC desktops.

Kick Your Fall off the Pumpkin Spice Way

Pumpkin spice season is in full force, and I have a few great recipes you can try if you'd like to branch out and go beyond the usual Pumpkin spice latte.