Shelly’s Friday Favourites does more with a rice cooker

Until I tried cooking more than just rice in a rice cooker, I had no idea you could whip up so many different recipes in one. This week I decided to try three different dishes in a rice cooker, just to see how they’d turn out.

Step into my dream kitchen


You know those home shows that take one room in your house and turn it into your absolute dream room? Maybe for some people it would be hard to choose just one room out of all the rooms in your house, but I’d offer up my kitchen in a heartbeat if someone offered to give me a dream kitchen.

How to set up your PC to work from home


Working from home is an increasingly popular trend. Doing so saves on office space, commute time and many of the expenses of having a team working in a centralized building. It can also be an attractive option for employees. I worked from home on a part-time basis for a decade and switched to full-time over five years ago —I can’t even picture going back to a traditional office. But if you’re going to make this work, you have to take it seriously (it’s not all coffee on the deck and hanging out with the dogs) and your PC is a central component. I’ve put together suggestions on how to set up your PC to work from home.

5 furniture ideas that will brighten up any room


 Have you been watching the summer sunshine stream in your window and realized that your home décor is looking a little dull? Brighten up your living space with these five simple furniture ideas!

Cool appliances for hot summer days


If you’re wondering how you can beat the heat this summer, just take a look around your kitchen. Popsicles, ice cream, or a crushed ice drink – if you’ve got the right small kitchen appliances, you’ll be able to whip up an icy drink or a sweet, cold treat to cool you off in no time.

Is the best juicer for you a slow, high speed or...


Juicing has been around for a long time, but people really only started to sit up and take notice of it in the past year or two. With the release of documentaries like “Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead” and a recommendation by Dr.Oz, juicing is fast becoming a way of life for everyone from young parents trying to incorporate all food groups into the diets of fussy young eaters, athletes who want an all-natural energy boost, or people who just want to have a balanced diet.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites presents Good Luck Recipes for a Prosperous and...

If you’re looking for some good luck recipes to start your New Year off on the right foot, look no further – I’ve got a few great good luck dishes for you to choose from. 

How-to get ready for patio season

Patio season is almost here and I’ve been doing some yard clean up to get ready. Next I’ll be setting up my patio furniture and deciding if I’ll be needing or wanting anything new this season. I love to entertain when the weather is nice, and I’m thinking this is the year to treat myself to a patio swing. Read on to see how you can make your patio beautiful with some great new pieces.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites creates infused water, and it’s amazing

I spend a lot of time talking about creating recipes here on Shelly’s Friday Favourites, but I’ve discovered recently that some of the most delicious things in life don’t have to involve cooking at all. In fact, they don’t have to involve eating either.

Kick off patio season with summer drink recipes: this week on...

Warm weather means patio season, and patio season means you need to mix up a batch of ice cold summer beverages for friends. Here are 6 recipes you can make to kick off patio season 2016.