You have to try these fun ways to use appliances


Surfing online one day, I stumbled across a site that suggested a ton of different ways to use appliances. I thought I had a trick or two up my sleeve until I read through, and I was blown away by the different, fun ways to use both the big and small appliances in my house. Try a few of these just for fun – some of them are so amazing you’ll probably make them part of your weekly routine.

Kitchen Gadgets for Healthy Eating


Eating healthy is always easier said than done, but investing in some of these kitchen gadgets will save you time and energy! 

10 buys under $30 that will make your dorm room

How do you add some personality to your dorm room? Here are 10 great buys under $30: pick, choose, and add some fun touches to your dorm room

Shelly’s Friday Favourites – Create a ‘worldy’ New Year’s Celebration


New Year’s Eve – for millions of people around the world it’s a time of renewal, when everything old is washed away and there’s nothing but fresh new days ahead. But how do you kick off the New Year in a way that will bring the most peace, prosperity, and happiness to both you and your family?   The answer really depends on where you live.  

How to create crafts like a pro

When I was in Grade 3 my mom enrolled me in Ukrainian Cross Stitch lessons. I had always been a creative child, but cross-stitch took my abstract painting and Play-Doh-ing to a whole new level. There’s something inspiring about being able to look at a pile of “stuff” and see something beautiful. It’s almost like being a MacGyver of sorts. Some might see a twig and a glue stick. I see a beautiful centerpiece. The thing is, to craft like a pro you don’t just need the desire to do so, but you need the right tools and an organized space.

Teach your teens well: life skills in the home

There are plenty of ways teens can help around the house, learning life skills they'll take with them once they go out on their own.

5 tips for a fun and safe Halloween

Halloween is almost here, and as you prepare for the holiday, consider following these tips that will not only make it fun but also safe.

Reusable water bottles and mugs: 3 reasons why you should switch

One of the easiest ways to decrease your carbon footprint is by switching from disposable to reusable water bottles and mugs. Here's why.

Prepare for the perfect long weekend


What does the long weekend mean to you? For some people a long weekend is an extra day to turn the alarm clock off and sleep in. For others, it’s time to turn off the work computer and turn on the home computer. While it’s great to give your brain a breather and stuff yourself with hot dogs, it’s also the perfect time to gear up, get out there, and do things you’ve been waiting all winter to do.

How to manage your household expenses like a pro

Money – you can’t live with it, you can’t live without it, and it’s all too easy to let it slip through your fingers on a day-to-day basis without even knowing where it’s gone off too. I think it’s a real skill balancing a household budget, and it’s all too easy to slip back into free and easy spending. But if you put a few of these tips into place, you’ll start seeing positive results right away.