Back to school lunch box ideas: Shelly’s Friday Favourites

Packing school lunches is not my idea of fun, and I know there are many parents who feel the same way. But instead of strugglng with that same-old sandwich, you could a few of these inspired back to school lunch box ideas.

Father’s Day gift suggestions


Time is ticking on that most important of holidays —Father’s Day! As the father of three kids, it’s possible that I may have a slight bias toward where the day should fall in the ranking of officially celebrated holidays. However, since Festivus has yet to be recognized and May the Fourth gets snubbed by most major greeting card manufacturers, Father’s Day is definitely up there. If your dad is anything like me (or the dads I know), Best Buy is a pretty solid bet when it comes to finding the perfect gift by June 15th. Here are a few suggestions. Note to my wife and kids: some of these may or may not be hints, but you won’t go wrong with any of them…

Shelly’s Friday Favourites – Delicious Halloween Night Dishes


Maybe because I’ve always been a fan of a good, old fashioned haunted house and am one of those people who can become unglued by a really scary movie, but Halloween ranks right up there with Christmas as one of my favourite times of year.   I’ve always been slightly envious of people who live in warmer climates during Halloween, because they are almost always guaranteed a nice night for trick or treating and great weather for getting outside and having some scary Halloween fun. But the one great thing about living in a place where the fog and chill sets in around mid-October? You have the opportunity to cook up and really enjoy some delicious hot food to get your Halloween night off to a great start.

Benefits of using rechargeable batteries

If you are considering disposable batteries vs rechargeable batteries, here are a few reasons why you'll want to make the switch.

Teach your teens well: life skills in the home

There are plenty of ways teens can help around the house, learning life skills they'll take with them once they go out on their own.

How to organize your home like a pro

Even if your dining room table is currently covered in electronics and newspapers or your closet is chaos, there are still simple steps you can take to organize your house. It doesn’t have to be overwhelming either – just take it one baby step at a time. Here are a few proven organizational strategies I’ve used to get control of my clutter and organize my home like a pro.

Reusable water bottles and mugs: 3 reasons why you should switch

One of the easiest ways to decrease your carbon footprint is by switching from disposable to reusable water bottles and mugs. Here's why.

How to clean a carpet, rug, or carpet runner

Keep your floors looking and smelling fresh with this guide on the best ways to clean a carpet or rug at home.

10 seriously uncool Mother’s Day gifts this year

 A few days ago, we delved into some great mother’s day gift giving ideas. On the flip side, there are some terrible and very impersonal gifts you could get mom this year. With many years of previous bad gift giving, I have some advice to pass along. Please read about 10 seriously uncool Mother’s Day gifts this year.

Grandparents Day 2023: When Is It and How to Celebrate with...

Grandparents Day is Sun. Sept. 10th in Canada: prepare to engage in activities that create lasting memories.