Top tips for organizing your dorm room

Whether you’re moving abroad, down south, or staying local for school this fall, if your plan involves living on campus, I can guarantee your dorm room will be small. That’s why it is important to think ahead about how you’ll keep your space organized–not just for your sanity and that of your possible roommate, but studies show that an organized space increases productivity and efficiency, which are assets that will definitely come in handy as a student.

Three coffee recipes you can make without an espresso maker

Espresso makers are a lovely luxury for the kitchen, but you don't need one to enjoy fancy beverages at home. Want proof? Here are three tasty drinks that you can make with a simple drip coffee machine.

10 freezer tips for the summer harvest

Summer harvest is in full swing and we have been loving it at my house. Fresh fruits and veggies right from the garden and Farmer's Markets are one of the best things about summer. Read on for my top 10 tips on freezing your harvest to get you through the year.

Top road trip tech to take along on your summer vacation


Road trips are a ton of fun, and they can even be a peaceful if you bring along the right devices. Here’s my top picks for road trip tech.

Camping essentials for an amazing outdoor experience with friends


 Summertime always reminds me of all the amazing camping trips I’ve had in the past. Few experiences can compare with chilling out by a campfire under a blanket of stars with some of your best buddies. I’m fortunate in that I’ve had lots of opportunities to go camping over the years, and have amassed quite a bit of gear to help make any camping experience awesome. So, what do you need for a successful camping excursion? Read on for some of my recommendations for what to bring camping with friends.

It’s raining raspberries on Shelly’s Friday Favourites


I was pretty excited to find raspberries on my property, and after I picked two full buckets, I was on the hunt for what to do with them. Luckily I have a party planned for my son this weekend, so I dug up some kid-friendly raspberry recipes you should definitely try. Save

5 Father’s Day Gifts to Encourage Dad to Get the Family...


 With Father’s Day well on its way, today we consider a few great gifts to encourage Dad to get the family together more often. If you’d like to give Dad a few good excuses for having more family gatherings, then click the link and let’s get started.

Man Sculpting: How to Grow and Maintain a Beard


 There are many different types of beards a man may choose to grow, but one thing they all have in common is the need for a certain amount of care and maintenance. Even if you just want to grow a wild mess of facial hair with no particular style, there are certain things you need to do to keep it (and your skin) as healthy as possible. Today we examine a few of these steps. Click through to take a look.

What’s new at Best Buy for June?


 Welcome June! It’s time to round up what’s new at Best Buy this month, and there’s a lot of great stuff that’s just been added.

10 seriously cool dad gifts


 With Father’s Day just around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about what you’re gonna get pops. Here are 10 great gift ideas for every dad out there!