How to avoid boredom with your home gym
What’s new at Best Buy: great selection of Burton Bags for...
I have had my backpack for long enough that I can’t actually remember the backpack that came before it. This one has seen me through summer vacations, weekend getaways, and—most importantly—through trips to my hometown’s biggest dog park. (It’s so big that the North Saskatchewan River runs through it, and in the summer the river is full of puppies.) My bag is a Burton bag.
What’s new at Best Buy: great selection of Burton Bags for...
3 great additions for your home gym
What can wearables do for me: I do yoga
What’s new in Wearable Tech: Fitbit Blaze
Fitbit has emerged as one of the most well-known names in the fitness tracker/wearable market these days. The company offers a range of different devices designed to help you keep on top of things like the number of steps you take in a day, the calories you burn, distances travelled and more. Well, let’s add one more gadget to that growing device list, as we take a first look at the company’s new offering, a smartwatch/fitness tracker combo called The Fitbit Blaze.