iHome Smartshare frame review

The iHome Smartshare frame is a step ahead of most other digital photo frames on the market. Is it right for you? Find out in my review.

Living Smart: Benefits and Features of Smart Home Systems 

Explore the world of smart home systems to learn benefits, understand common concerns, and determine how your home can become smarter.

Smart home tips for long and short term renters

You don't have to own a place to create a smart home. If you're renting, here's a list of products you can take with you to any living space.

Home Renovation Part 2: creating a smart home

When it comes to basic home renovations, I was always told to hope for the best but expect the worst. That may be true when it comes to renovating a kitchen in a 10-year-old house or even doing a major overhaul on a house that’s 20 or 30 years old, but when you decide to crack open a house that’s 100 years old, all you can do is hope for OK and expect a lot of trouble.

Smart Plugs Make Holiday-Enhancing Stocking Stuffers

Smart plugs are compact, convenient, and they make great stocking stuffers. They can power your decorations before Christmas, and serve you long afterwards.

Kick off the New Year by tidying up tech

If you've watched Tidying Up and you've wondered how to get rids of cords and cables, here's some ideas for tidying up tech you can put to use right now.

Smart lock buying guide

Having a smart lock on your home or rental property means you never have to worry about keys or getting locked out again. This buying guide will help you choose one!

Announcing the New Facebook Portal and Portal TV

Facebook has made a big announcement regarding its Portal family of smart home products, including a new Portal Mini and Portal TV. Click for full details!

Energy efficient smart home buying guide

There are many ways to use technology to create a more energy efficient home, from upgrading appliances to adopting smart home tech and reducing power waste.

Setting up a Smart Home Series Part 4: Saving Money and...

In the final installment of the “Setting up a Smart Home” series, we’re going to take a look at turning your smart home into a daily money saver through the use of smart thermostats. While you can save a few bucks here and there by turning the heat down once in a while, smart thermostats can help you put an actual system together so that you don’t have to do as much guesswork. Some adapt to your heating needs while some use your current location to set away settings. There’s one that even compares your power usage to your own city’s current energy prices to sell you what you’re saving in Near Real Time. Find out more about these thermostats by reading onward.