Cololight Aurora Rhythm Smarter Kit review

I spent several weeks evaluating the Cololight Aurora Rhythm Smart Kit, a very cool 3D smart lighting system with a faux marble base.

Johnson Controls GLAS smart thermostat review

Looking to upgrade to a smart thermostat? Read this review of the Johnson Controls GLAS smart thermostat and find out if it is the right choice for you.

Are Smart Bulbs Too Expensive?

Today we look at smart bulbs and try to answer the question of whether or not they are too expensive in comparison with other (more traditional) lightbulbs.

Cync A19 smart bulb review

Why just have white lighting when you could have any colour? The Cync A19 smart LED bulb provides multi-colour options to any room in your home.

Review: Connect to Your Existing Home Alarm with Safe by HUB6

Safe by HUB6 is a smart home device that lets you skip monthly fees by retrofitting your existing home alarm to access via a smartphone or tablet.

VOCOlinc PureFlow Smart Air Purifier review

If you're looking for a machine to help rid the indoor air of dust, dander, pollen, and other allergens, check out the VOCOlinc PureFlow Smart Air Purifier.

Withings/Nokia Smart Temporal Thermometer review

The Withings/Nokia Smart Temporal Thermometer is a small, light thermometer that will take your child's temperature as simply as swiping it over their forehead.

Expanding Your Smart Home System with Smart Lights for Added Security

If home security is a priority for you and yours, check out today's blog on using smart lights to enhance your home's security and give you peace of mind.

Winter warmth easily achieved with electric heaters & fireplaces

I love that I live in a country where I can experience the four seasons. What I don’t like though, is being cold. So, given the fact that winter has officially arrived, here are some ideas for you to stay warm when the snow is falling and the wind is blowing outside.

Light Up the Outside of Your Home with Ring Smart Lights

Ring Smart Lights will light up your steps, walkways, and pathways with motion-activated path lights, floodlights, and spotlights.