The beginner’s guide to guitar types and styles.

I remember when I first picked up a guitar, plucked a few strings, and knew right then and there that this was for me. Simple as that. I also remember the first time I walked into a music store and was absolutely overcome with anxiety because I didn’t really know what was what and felt that awkward and totally out of place feeling you get when you enter a foreign world. Guitars, like almost everything else in fact, have...

Gifts for The Musician: The First Piano

Offering a musical instrument as a gift can be one of the most rewarding experiences. A piano is the perfect place to start! I'll take a look at a few options for you to give that special someone their first piano this holiday season!

NAMM 2014: Casio


We had the opportunity to take a look at some of the keyboards from Casio that will be appearing in Best Buy. We even got some killer video of two of their products being played ever so skillfully.

Introduction to Recording Acoustic Guitar

Recording acoustic guitar requires a few considerations. This guide will help you make sure you got your bases covered and achieve the best results possible.

Casio XW-PDI at NAMM 2015

Of all the products that Casio has announced this year, I’ve seen much-a-buzz about the new “Millennium Falcon” controller – aka the XW-PD1. And with good reason! There is a lot packed into this little package.

Alesis Turbo Mesh Electronic Drum Kit review

Alesis' Turbo Mesh Kit is a great choice for quiet drumming at home, thanks to its quality mesh pads.

Review: Shure MOTIV USB/iOS Microphones and Interface.

There’s a lot to like and very few nits to pick with the Shure MOTIV line. Following up on my review of the MV88, I got to take the rest of the MOTIV line (MV5, MV51 and MVi) for a spin. These made-for-portable-recording devices are well designed, rugged and will get the job done… and get it done well.

Guitar buying guide

Are you interested in pickup up the guitar, but feeling overwhelmed by the seemingly endless quantity of models available? Use this guide to help you choose the right instrument, according to your needs.

The Soundboard: Learn about Audio Interfaces


If, like most home or project studio owners, you’ve opted to use a computer as the center of your studio, then you’ll most likely be hearing a lot about audio interfaces.    For the typical home user, the sound card on your computer is just fine. Unfortunately, for a studio owner, you’ll very quickly find that the onboard sound system is inadequate for your needs. They’re typically noisy, they lack inputs and outputs you’ll most likely need and they can be inefficient in the way they translate analog and digital audio.   That’s where audio interfaces come into the picture. An audio interface is a piece of dedicated hardware that you connect to your computer. In the most basic sense, the interface is the audio middleman between you (the real world) and the computer. 

Casio CDP-S360 weighted digital keyboard review

Casio's CDP-S360 is a great starting point for beginners or for those that are looking to upgrade to a full-sized portable digital piano.