Setting up a Smart Home Series Part 2: Preparing your House

In this installment of the “Setting up a Smart Home” series, we get ready to install! Before you bring out the power tools and start downloading apps left and right, you should keep a few things in mind. This blog will help you sort through some of the important things (like having the best internet connection possible) and smaller things like spot checking potential trouble spots. 

Halloween treats and eats: Shelly’s Friday Favourites

Halloween is only a few days away. If you're planning on doing a little Halloween baking this weekend, here are a few treats you can try.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites Talks Hot Kitchen Desserts

I’ll admit it: I’ve kind of scoffed at no-bake desserts in the past. It almost seems as though if you can’t put it in the oven, it’s not really dessert. But as I’ve discovered, some desserts don’t have to be labour intensive and time consuming to be really, really good. My kid’s all time favourite dessert actually takes less than 10 minutes to prepare, and I’d be proud to serve it to my foodie friends.  

Strawberries, peaches, and blueberries for dessert – Shelly’s Friday Favourites


Strawberries, peaches, blackberries, and blueberries – those little gems of the fruit family are nutritious on their own, but when you bake them up and wrap them in buttery crust or turn them into an icy-cool summer dessert? That’s when summer really kicks off at my house.

Create one of these 3 great types of birthday cakes

Have a birthday coming up? Sure, you can head over to the local grocery store or bakery shop and grab a cake. But why not add that personal touch and make your own?

The top features on Android 6.0 Marshmallow

Now that Google has released its latest version of Android, 6.0 Marshmallow, the rollout will come in stages as each smartphone and tablet manufacturer optimizes its respective software overlays to work with it. For the moment, only the Nexus 6P, Nexus 5X and HTC One A9 run Marshmallow, but in time, a much wider range of devices will, and there are a number of new features that go with it.

Make your own Chinese Food at home – Shelly’s Friday Favourites


Good Chinese food or Chinese takeout can be hard to come by. So what to do when you get a craving for Chinese food but you don’t know where to order from? You can jump online and hit up Yelp or other review sites, looking for a recommendation. Or, you can do what I finally started to do – make it yourself. Creating Chinese food at home isn’t hard at all, and if you have the right tools it’s a fast, easy way to get your Chinese food fix. Here are a few of my favourite make-at-home Chinese food recipes:

Be more productive with your PC: using virtual desktops in Windows...

Everyone uses their PCs differently. Some users employ multiple monitors to segregate various applications and windows as well as have some dedicated space for running email or social media applications. Some users with only one display can use virtual desktops to be more productive.

How to avoid boredom with your home gym

If you’re even remotely into fitness, you’ve likely heard of the acronym “HIIT.” If you haven’t, then let me clarify that HIIT does not stand for “Hit Intensely to Injure Trainer” but instead refers to “High Intensity Interval Training,” otherwise known as one of the most efficient ways to shed extra pounds, get into shape, and keep fit. With HIIT you’ll sweat, likely swear, perhaps cry, but relish in the results once you’ve committed some time to a regime. All you need is some will power and a few key pieces of equipment.

All about your laptop’s CPU

Looking for a new laptop? One of the most important components you should be considering when searching for a portable PC is also one of the most confusing: the CPU. What’s the difference between a Celeron, a Core i7 or an AMD A-Series processor? For that matter, what’s the difference between a 5th generation Intel Core CPU and 6th generation version? In this post, I’ll explain the importance of a laptop’s CPU, the key differences between CPU options and how much CPU horsepower you’re likely to need for common tasks.