Dorm room dinners: Shelly’s Friday Favourites

After a full day of classes you'll be coming back to your dorm room hungry and looking for something to eat for dinner. Check out these recipes perfect for getting you through the week.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites: Cast iron cooking


 Cast iron pans are probably one of the most versatile types of cookware out there. I love that they can be used on the stove top, in the oven, on your BBQ and even on an outside firepit. Read on for some great uses and recipes for your cast iron pan.

Homemade Ice Cream Treats To Die For

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!    The summer ain’t over yet (thank goodness), and the heat is a perfect excuse to have more ice cream—not like that stops you in the winter! But when it’s hot outside, the chimes of the ice cream truck make your inner child jump for joy. Here are 5 cool treats you can make at home. 

Insta-wow! How To Get More Likes On Instagram

There’s nothing a photographer enjoys more than a compliment on their work. It’s no wonder photographers spend so much time on Instagram—they just love those likes! So how does one rack up the most possible likes? Today I’m going to give you some tips to help you maximise yours.

How to pick the perfect back-to-school smartphone or tablet case

The kids’ backpacks are packed, their lunches are planned, and you’ve argued out who’s going to be taking the kids to their first day back … but there’s always something that gets forgotten.   I have a cousin who had a tendency to leave his toothbrushes and shoes (how???!) behind when he was a kid, like a travelling Hansel & Gretel, but in August, it’s way more likely that you’ve forgotten something far less dire. Like, say, to update the kids’ (and your own!) phone and tablet cases for back-to-school.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites – Potato Salad, macaroni salad and more


For many of us, salad is what’s for dinner. It’s not a side dish that goes with something heavier, it’s the actual meal itself. Just start with your basic green leaf, add some protein, toss with dressing and you have an instant, filling dinner.   Thankfully having a salad for dinner is not something you can easily get bored of, and that’s because there are so many different types of salads, salad recipes, and salad dressing recipes to try.    

Moving Tips: What To Do When Packing Up Your Kitchen

Moving soon? Join me today for an avalanche of useful moving tips to help you pack up and move your kitchen (among other rooms) to your new living quarters.

How to save money on your grocery bill like a pro

I’m one of the few people I know who enjoys grocery shopping. For me, it’s a challenge finding new and interesting products, getting the best price on those things I buy all the time, and saving money at the checkout. And because groceries make up a sizable chunk of my monthly spending budget, I like to save money on them as often as I can. Read on and I’ll share some tips that will have you saving on your grocery bill like a pro.

Celebrate Octoberfest with homemade Bavarian Pretzels on Shelly’s Friday Favourites

While going through the old letters researching my ancestry, I also came across old recipes. There’s nothing like food to trigger memories of growing up, and when I look back I remember different German dishes on my Grandma’s kitchen table. Because it’s Octoberfest, I’ve been creating authentic German weiner schnitzel, frying pans full of cabbage, and big, puffy Bavarian pretzels. If that sounds delicious, it is, so today I thought I’d share a ‘how to’ make Bavarian pretzels on Shelly’s Friday Favourites.  

How To Shoot Photos Like A Pro

It’s the start of another year, full of possibilities and potential. A good friend of mine recently mentioned that she’s planning to get serious about her photography this year, and I’m sure there’s a lot of people out there who’ve had the same idea. So I thought I’d put together some ideas to help our readers here on the Plug-In blog push their photography further.