How to clean your floors hands free
Cleaning your floors doesn't have to be a chore. Check out these vacuum cleaners and you'll see how easy it is to get really clean your floors with a minimum of effort.
Shelly’s Friday Favourites: Move Over, Pumpkin Spice; Cayenne Is Making a...
‘Tis the season to spice things up by adding chili peppers to your recipes. If Starbucks is doing it with their Chile Mocha, then we should follow suit, non? The chili family boasts many members, such as Anaheim, banana, cayenne, Fresno, habanero, jalapeno, padron, piquillo, poblano, red Thai, serrano, and shishito. The good news is that if you are afraid of spicy food, some of these peppers are on the milder side, such as the poblano and piquillo. In...
Easily move your work between your iPad and a Mac
In the old days (2010), sharing work between an iPad and a Mac required a bit of ingenuity. Today, Apple and software developers like Microsoft have embraced the concept of sharing files between multiple devices. Here are some of the easiest ways to move your work between your iPad and a Mac so you can pick up where you left off, no matter which device you’re using at the moment.
How to back up your school assignments
These days, “my dog ate it” won’t get you far. And with homework and projects increasingly taking the form of files instead of paper, having a backup strategy is critical. Here’s how to back up your school assignments so you won’t be hit by a digital disaster.
Become A Better Photographer: Turn Off The Preview
Because we can review our images immediately on our cameras nowadays, photographers can get into a bad habit of spending too much time looking at the LCD screen. But there is an easy way to help break that habit.
How to combine your tech and style
Tech trends may ebb and flow with burgeoning technologies, but style is eternal–and seasonally-linked. Thankfully, the two pair beautifully together.
Welcome back Pumpkin Spice: Shelly’s Friday Favourites
It's that time of the year again: pumpkin spice fever has hit and there's so many different pumpkin spice options you're going to have a hard time just sticking to the classics.
What you can make with a top of the line blender
Historically, blenders have been used to chop, grind, and puree food and beverages, often as food preparation for a larger recipe. However, these days, there is no end to what you can do with a top of the line blender, even in those with a small profile. Read on for some great recipes and an overview of a few of my favourite single-serve blenders.
Back to school dinner ideas: Shelly’s Friday Favourites
Wondering what to make for dinner tonight? Don’t worry; I have you covered. Here are three delicious back to school dinner ideas you can use when you’re in a hurry.
Tips for getting the most from your mini projector
Mini projectors are amazing works of technology, but they're not the same as full-sized projectors. Here are a few tips for getting the most out of your mini!