Shelly’s Friday Favourites – Delicious Halloween Night Dishes


Maybe because I’ve always been a fan of a good, old fashioned haunted house and am one of those people who can become unglued by a really scary movie, but Halloween ranks right up there with Christmas as one of my favourite times of year.   I’ve always been slightly envious of people who live in warmer climates during Halloween, because they are almost always guaranteed a nice night for trick or treating and great weather for getting outside and having some scary Halloween fun. But the one great thing about living in a place where the fog and chill sets in around mid-October? You have the opportunity to cook up and really enjoy some delicious hot food to get your Halloween night off to a great start.

Kitchen Gadgets for Healthy Eating


Eating healthy is always easier said than done, but investing in some of these kitchen gadgets will save you time and energy! 

Gifts that every cook wants in their kitchen

Whether you know someone who is a novice cook or baker or a home pro, there are plenty of gifts for the cook they'll love for the kitchen.

Fall soups and stews: What you need in your kitchen

Get cozy in the kitchen with warm, hearty fall soups and stews. Don't feel like cooking? Try a new multi pot or blender that does it for you.