Top Father’s Day Gift Ideas

Father’s Day is coming up, so here are top Father’s Day gift ideas, including BBQs, watches and much more, to hopefully inspire you this year.

It’s raining raspberries on Shelly’s Friday Favourites


I was pretty excited to find raspberries on my property, and after I picked two full buckets, I was on the hunt for what to do with them. Luckily I have a party planned for my son this weekend, so I dug up some kid-friendly raspberry recipes you should definitely try. Save

Prepare for the perfect long weekend


What does the long weekend mean to you? For some people a long weekend is an extra day to turn the alarm clock off and sleep in. For others, it’s time to turn off the work computer and turn on the home computer. While it’s great to give your brain a breather and stuff yourself with hot dogs, it’s also the perfect time to gear up, get out there, and do things you’ve been waiting all winter to do.

Is the best juicer for you a slow, high speed or...


Juicing has been around for a long time, but people really only started to sit up and take notice of it in the past year or two. With the release of documentaries like “Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead” and a recommendation by Dr.Oz, juicing is fast becoming a way of life for everyone from young parents trying to incorporate all food groups into the diets of fussy young eaters, athletes who want an all-natural energy boost, or people who just want to have a balanced diet.

Top 10 Wilderness Products for Back Country Camping


  If you read the NY Times Bestseller Wild by Cheryl Strayed, then you will learn how not to pack as she did for her hike on the Pacific Coast Trail. If you haven’t read it, I would highly recommend this true story of her over 1,000 miles hike by herself to escape the loss of her mother and a broken marriage, all with no wilderness experience whatsoever. I don’t profess to be a wilderness expert although I have done a fair number of wilderness trips of at least one night, and usually more. The trick with overnight backcountry camping is not to take too much while making sure you have what you will need so you don’t get in trouble.

How to celebrate Halloween in 2020

It's time to celebrate Halloween again! Although Halloween will look different this year, there is still a lot of fun to be had on this spooky holiday.

What’s new at Best Buy for December?

Looking for great gift ideas? There's a lot of great stuff that's just hit the shelves of Best Buy. Take a look and see what's new and amazing for December.

Sizzle plasma arc lighters review

Everything is going electric, including lighters. The Sizzle plasma arc lighters have built-in batteries, and last 100 uses before needing recharging.

How to make the most of your flashlight on Halloween 

From LED to mini flashlights, find out how to make your night safer and more enjoyable with a Halloween flashlight.

Get the kids ready for Halloween with some awesome costume options

From superheros to princesses, pirates, fire chiefs, doctors and astronauts, kids love to dress up for Halloween—whether your little one is a baby, toddler, or older child. And chances are, you're looking for the perfect costume for this coming Halloween.