February is Bedroom Month – Create a Great Kid’s Bedroom


A child’s bedroom is much more than just a place to sleep after a long day of school and play. It’s a place where imaginations grow. It’s a place to do homework, slay dragons, and dress teddy bears. It’s where games are played, sleepovers are hosted, and books are read. It’s a child’s own little haven in a grown-up world. So it goes without saying that making this space as awesome as possible for the mini-me in your life is pretty important. But where to start? Here are some tips and ideas to get your creative juices flowing.

Blendtec Blenders Make Healthy Smoothies a Breeze


Every year around this time, I, like so many others, start thinking about my New Years resolutions. Not surprisingly, they typically revolve around ways in which I can (and should) be more healthy. This year, the plan is to get to the gym more, cut back on adult grape juice, and jump on the smoothie bandwagon.   I’ve long known the health benefits that come from starting every day with a nutrient and antioxidant rich smoothie, but every time I try to whip something together, my blender falls short. That’s where Blendtec Designer Series Blenders come in.

Kick start your weekend with breakfast smoothies and juices


I watched ‘Fat, sick, and Nearly Dead’ the other day. I honestly didn’t know what to expect from it. I really thought it was something similar to the ‘SuperSize Me’ documentary that had everyone running away from McDonalds.   Turns out, I couldn’t have watched a more timely documentary. This month on Shelly’s Friday Favourites I’ve been talking about smoothies and juicing, and I don’t think you could find more information about the health benefits of juicing anywhere else. I’ve been researching the topic and looking at recipes all month, but that documentary really demonstrated how you could turn your life around with juicing.

Why a BBQ is a great gift for the backyard cook...

If you need a great gift for the backyard cook in your life, why not consider a new barbecue or related accessories? Best Buy has something for everyone!

How to be efficient in your home office

Working from home can be a struggle—or an amazing experience. Here's how to be efficient in your home office with a few small changes!

Shelly’s Friday Favourites – Easy Dinner Recipes


It’s Easter weekend, and although it might not really feel like spring in Canada the spring activities are kicking into high gear all over the country. Softball, soccer, and other sports are all starting up again after a long winter, and between work, commuting, and all of the household fun that goes into weeknight life you’ll have less time than ever to put together dinner.   That’s why you need easy dinner recipes, and it makes it even easier if those dinner recipes come packaged with an appetizer, main course, and desert. After all, just because you’re busy doesn’t mean you shouldn’t eat like you have all the time in the world.

Get the kids ready for Halloween with some awesome costume options

From superheros to princesses, pirates, fire chiefs, doctors and astronauts, kids love to dress up for Halloween—whether your little one is a baby, toddler, or older child. And chances are, you're looking for the perfect costume for this coming Halloween.

5 reasons to pick up an electronic bicycle right now


Maybe you’ve seen people commuting in the bike lane on them, or you’ve watched someone effortlessly cruise up a crazy hill and you wondered exactly what they were riding – for most people, one chance encounter of watching someone cruise on an e-bike is enough to get them to put it on their ‘to-do’ list, and one ride is all it takes to hook you forever.

Gifts for the morning person

Let's talk about some great gift ideas for the morning loving person in your life. Help them get their day started with the right pick-me ups.

The Self-Care Guide

It’s the start of a new year and a new decade, but don't forget to prioritize self-care when making New Year’s resolutions.