Every student needs technology. No matter what you are studying, what major you declared, what eventual career you are pursuing, you will be using some form of technology. And face it, new tech is better than old tech. New smartphones have better cameras and faster processing, new computers will start up quickly, run the latest software and show your work on an unbelievable display screen. Enter this contest and you can choose what new tech to buy before going back to school since Best Buy is giving away four $500 Best Buy gift certificates as the prizes.

Do all students really need tech?

Yes! There is no other answer. Ten years ago students could scrape by without a cell phone, or laptop, but not today. Tech is not a luxury, it is as necessary to an artist as a paintbrush. As mandatory for the chemistry student as a test tube. As indispensable for the English major as a dictionary. Take a look at the 360 degree video we are showing on Best Buy’s Facebook page (for mobile use this link) to see how tech is used by students studying a variety of different subjects. Then enter either on Facebook or enter here on the blog.


If you win you can use the gift certificate prize towards a new computer, a new printer, a new tablet, a new cellphone … or you might even want to get a few new pens (Best Buy has you covered with low tech writing utensils too!).




Here are the details: how to enter

On Facebook: In a comment on the Facebook post, guess what the 3 majors are of the students featured in the 360 degree video. You must guess all 3 correctly for your entry to be valid.

On the blog: enter a comment below this post telling us about your favourite back to school tech and why it would help make your school year a success. You must include the link to the product found on bestbuy.ca for your entry to be valid.


What you may win

We will randomly choose 4 entries from all valid entries on Facebook and on the blog. Each winner will receive a $500 Best Buy Gift Certificate.


The contest will run from August 14th until September 10th.

Remember you can only enter once, either on Facebook or on the blog (not both!). Tell your school friends too: if one of your school friends wins, that should earn you at least one early morning lecture of note taking so you can sleep in!

Good Luck!
Subscribe to the blog so you can get email notifications when new posts and new contests get added to the blog: you will never miss out on another contest!

Back 2 School 360 Video Contest Rule and Regulations

Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. A new laptop would improve my animation work incredibly! I recently ran into rendering issues because my current laptop could not handle the processing.

  2. A new laptop would improve my productivity in animation work incredibly! I recently ran into issues with rendering my animation on Adobe After Effects, because my current laptop could not handle the processing.

  3. My favourite back to school tech is an ergonomic keyboard. Tech like this is very important to me as I suffer from back pain and this will help to reduce muscle strain so I can focus on what is really import ~ My family, friends & schoolwork! Being adequately prepared for school with technology like this is a huge help to succeeding in school and getting the high grades which I will strive for in my first year at university 🙂


  4. The Macbook 12 inch will definitely make my school life easier! Since it’s my first year of university, I’ll need something to help me take notes and work on projects and assignments. Also, since it’s very light and portable, it won’t break my back as I’m moving from class to class AND it means I can do my work anywhere (from the bus to Starbucks)

  5. I would have a laptop so I could I use it at school and at home to do homework and it would be awesome to have a better laptop to work smoothly.

  6. My Son needs a lap top for his first year of Coolege. He only learns by writing out everything the Processor is lecturing on. His hand writing is slow and a bit messy.

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