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Mélanie Boutin-Chartier

Mélanie Boutin-Chartier
Avid gamer, podcaster and RPG enthusiast, I like sharing my passion for videogames, traveling and eco-friendly living. I've been fortunate to work on M.Net's TV show as an editor before joining the videogame review teams of the late Jouez and Future Shop's blogs. I now spend my time between podcasting with L'Épée Légendaire and blogging on several websites including Best Buy's Branche-Toi. Feel free to follow my streams on Twitch and my feeds on Facebook and Twitter!

E3 2018: Bandai Namco booth tour impressions

Booth tours are unpredictable. At Bandai Namco, I had time to attend a theater presentation of three upcoming games and play the most anticipated titles for the publisher. Here’s a quick tour with Jump Force, SoulCalibur VI and Divinity II: Original Sins – Definitive Edition.

E3 2018: Rico Rodriguez is back in Just Cause 4

Just Cause 4
Here’s the explosive return of Rico Rodriguez in one of the funniest open world sandbox series back in action. Just Cause 4 protagonist has the coolest name, doesn't he?

E3 2018: A quick look at The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit

Dontnod’s next project is a cool one. It brings players into the Life is Strange setting, but on a new adventure with new characters. Here’s a quick look at The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit.

E3 2018: Techland brings us Dying Light 2

The post-apocalyptic world of Dying Light 2 is in full chaos. By building your narrative story based on every choice you make, player’s experience will differ from the others and replay value is almost infinite.

E3 2018: LEGO DC Super Villains and Hitman 2 hands-on impressions

The LEGO franchise is super fun for the family and DC Villains are hilarious. Well, laughter is part of Joker’s personality, right? After my LEGO-session, I slipped in another room to get a first look at Hitman 2, Agent 47-style.

E3 2018: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Overcooked 2 hands-on impressions

Nintendo is good at local multiplayer games. The Switch is the perfect console to have with friends over. At E3 2018, I had fun with Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Overcooked 2.

E3 2018: Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner Mars

The classic space mech-action game Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner - M∀RS returns in full 4K resolution on PlayStation 4 Pro, and fully playable on PlayStation VR. I chose the PS VR experience at the Konami booth.

E3 2018: Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 hands-on impressions

On October 12, it's Treyarch’s turn to release their Call of Duty game. This year, multiplayer is the core of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4. At E3, I had my hands on two rounds of 4 vs 4 team death match.

E3 2018: Hands-on with Hyper Sports R and PES 2019

From the original track and field arcade game back in the days, Konami has been into sports games for decades. This year, I was able to play a quick match in Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 and some of Hyper Sports R fun arcade minigames.

E3 2018: Destiny 2: Forsaken hands on impressions

At the Activision booth, I had an appointment to play Destiny 2: Forsaken. Thinking I’d only play the new multiplayer mode called Gambit, I was glad to spend 30 minutes into the new solo campaign content as well.