LG has created a new premium phone, the G8x, that raises the bar for what a smartphone can be. It has two screens: the one that accompanies the regular phone and another screen in its case: click the phone in the case and suddenly your phone becomes a multi-tasking wonder machine. Additionally, it has one feature that most of us hated to lose on other new premium phones: a headphone jack! You may just win this phone by reading this article carefully so you know hot to enter this contest.

Dual screen LG G8x is a game changer

You may be wondering how much use you would get out of two screens on a phone. Personally, I think it’s life changing. Face it: we look at phones more than we look at our partners. So, a dual screen phone gives us twice as much to look at. You can watch “Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” on one screen and answer texts on the other. You can have the game on one screen and the controller can be on the other. The possibilities are ENDLESS!

Yes, you might have noticed but I’m a little excited to try this. How would you use the two screens?

How to enter

Entering this contest is really easy, but you can only enter once. In a comment below this article, tell us how you would use the dual screens on this phone. I gave a couple ways that I would use it: what would you do?

What you can win

At the end of this contest, we will select one eligible entry to receive a LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen 128GB Smartphone.

This contest runs from December 24th until January 7th.

Remember you can only enter once. However, you must know someone who is in need of a phone upgrade and this will put them in a select group of people with the coolest new technology on the planet.

Win a LG G8x Phone Rules and Regulations

Good luck.

Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. LG finally got things right. A dual screen is better than a foldable as there are nonworries of cracks after extensive use. The many applications it has and The confort view when writing emauls or documents is going to make life much eaier when typing.
    Also it seems you have the detach to use one screen if needed. For those days that you want to carry one screen only. Good job LG.

  2. Slight workaholic… So I’d definitely be emailing on one while doing searches in others… Or also “secretly” watch YouTube on the other!

  3. Time for me to up grade. I have twin granddaughters so I figure the two screens would help me with that. Just saying.

  4. It would be super handy to have my Google home controls on one screen and whatever I am casting to my LG 4K TV on the other screen. Waiting for the Hue HDMI sync box to complete the setup.

  5. I would watch Netflix on one screen and read your blog posts on the other! Thank you so much for the chance!!

  6. The dual screen of this ingenious phone make it so versatile. Throughout the day, use it as a regular phone, but come home and pop it into the dual screen case and I can get some reading done right on a phone for the first time. It’s the perfect paperback equivalent for when you want to do some reading.

    There are a lot of games on Android but for the first time, I can play and control on one screen and actually see what I’m dying in the top screen without covering it with my large thumbs. Gaming done right without any additional accessories needed.

    The last thing is painting. The are a lot of wonderful painting apps but to have a reference photo or picture on one screen and to be able to draw on the second side by side is awesome. Reference art done right for the first time on phones

    I really do think LG has an ingenious idea in their hands with the LG 8X ThinQ.

  7. One screen would be for business and one for catching up on shows. Getting work done while making it enjoyable. One phone to do it all 🙂

    • I would use one side for video and the other for browsing some of the time. Other times I may simply use it as a kickstand. Getting this phone either way.

  8. I am a long time LG phone user. I think it would be great to see a list of all my emails on one screen and view them on the other

  9. I would Netflix and text! It’s my waiting room go to I hate switching between apps this would be great for my multitasking ways

  10. The new LGG8X is the ultimate multi tasking phone where you could watch a show with a friend on one screen and text about it on the other. Thanks for the chance to win and make my Christmas that much merrier.

  11. I have so many things that I would love to be able to do with the dual screens. I am a LG fan so my apologies for the humongous amount of text that is to follow.

    Organizing the phone would become a much easier task with dual screens. LG has already shown that they have the software to be able to make it work efficiently on the system, they just needed the second screen to make it perfect and it does show that this will make it much easier to use in everyday life with the added real estate. Everyone has to delete, reorganize, rename, move, etc. files that they have on their phone, why not do it with the best options available that you can use anywhere on the go?

    Taking photos/video in the past has been mainly restricted to just the photographer being the person to take the shot. Now, the main attraction is that you can include the subject in the picture to adjust how they want the photo taken. Considering that LG has the best manual cameras/videos available on the market, it leaves a lot of options for people to get their photos just right. Considering that this is a unique feature using the dual screens not available anywhere else, I would say that this deserves to be used and would lead to some better shots in general.

    The ability to edit photos/videos would become much easier as you can do all of the work on one screen while the other one can be used to show the photo/video or a reference of what you want it to look like. This will remove a lot of the switching apps, making it quicker and easier to produce better photos (most people just need a quick reference or tips).

    Using new apps will become much easier (especially for complicated ones) as you can have the guides on one screen while the other screen has the app. This will make it easier for most people to get accustomed to confusing apps without adding even more hassle by trying to switch apps for the guide (for every single step) and using them to their full potential.

    Shopping. For anyone that shops on their phone, the dual screens is essential. You can put a shopping list on one screen while looking for the products. You can put an article/forum/blog (like Best Buy Blog) on the other screen, while searching the product that you were recommended. You can compare products at the drop of a hat as they can be shown side by side, making it easier for anyone that is caught between two of them. If you want to browse for random products, you can have the general list of shopping and be opening the page of the products on the other side (you don’t lose your place of where you were and making it much faster to visit different products easily). This can help a lot of people to browse and find exactly what they were looking for (instead of choosing the first choice on the top of the list and regretting it later).

    For making videos, finding the necessary files of video/photo/music has never been more efficient with the tools of the dual screen. You can have more screen real estate in looking for the right files/tools that you need or just have them on the side ready to add them to the videos. Tweaking settings and putting the video on the other screen is another idea, easier for fine tuning them as I am sure that many people have thrown time into them.

    Sharing your device is now an option, you can both use the phone at the same time if the need arises (such as with a younger sibling or a kid) without having to worry about the device or having to sacrifice your features. Watching videos together makes it much easier for friends if you want to show something. Displaying home photos/videos is also easier as people won’t have to cram around a single screen but having two makes it much easier for more people to see when there is nothing to cast to.

    For writing in general on your phone, this would make it much quicker and easier to be able to use. There is no substitute for being able to save time and make it more comfortable by having another screen to be able to write your message (especially for those sites that confine you to a small percentage of the screen which can be taken up by the keyboard). This will make save time and frustration on texts, reviews, comments, assignments, etc. on your phone. It might not be a physical keyboard but it is the next best option and a welcome one for using dual screens. Best of all, you won’t have to accidentally lose your entire comment and having to write it up again (like I just did with this one) by clicking on a part where you thought the keyboard was and exiting the application. With such a set up available on the dual screens with the software to help, I am sure that many people (including myself) would love to be able to use it daily on their phones if they write a lot.

    For older applications that took up a lot of space when using your fingers, you can now mirror the screen and actually be able to tell what you’re doing on the other screen at the same time. This is something that I wish I had the option to do a long time ago when this was so common (and some of them are still great to use).

    For applications that will be great in using the LG high quality mics, recording music while having the sheet music (chords/lyrics) out will make it much easier than ever before. You would be able to adjust settings on the HD Audio Recording app on the fly, making it sound much better than ever before and exactly like how it should be. You can even record concerts just fine.

    Gaming. Now, I ain’t saying that I’m going to be taking the top scores of every game but it should help you to play whatever game that you would need to. You can customize the controls exactly how you want them to be, making it easier for those who struggle or just want to change the setup to be more efficient/fun/unique. They even made it so you can put the game on the other screen, making it easier to appreciate without any lag whatsoever. They even made it work well with emulators, what more could you ask for?

    Music. Music apps in general (like piano apps) would benefit greatly from the dual screen so you can see the notes you are playing or even adding on the sheet music in general. Tweaking the settings while using LG’s best in the industry Quad Dac is an option and will help anyone to get exactly what they are looking for while giving them more room to breathe (some of the best apps can get very crammed easily when using them for changing settings for music). Playing music will never have looked so good.

    Anything at all that has ever involved multi-tasking will become much more enjoyable with another screen to use. Who wants to deal with a news site or have YouTube with a screen cut in half? It just isn’t the same, you can have the best of both worlds with a dual screen and it would ultimately be the best for that in daily use. I would never go back and as mentioned in the article, the possibilities are endless.

  12. I would use it to recreate a two-fold view of a book, on an ebook format, as I sometimes miss holding one page with each hand.

  13. I’d probably run discord on one screen and have spotify on the other screen but for majority of the time it would be games and music, the combinations are endless.

    • I would watch 2 episodes of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure at the same time so I could catch up to the newest season even faster

  14. Would be perfect for reading a book. I would also use it for texting, make one a dedicated keyboard, gaming would be great. Anything really.

  15. I am constantly switching between two apps on my phone, copying a url from one into with a text message on the other, or an address from a text message into Google maps, or watching a video from one WhatsApp friend while talking to another. Limitless possibilities.

  16. Watch the game on one side while video chatting with family & friends on the other, when we couldn’t be all together.

  17. I would use it to edit multiple documents at the same time as it would be faster then having to switch between the two

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