Keep your New Years Resolution to clean up media room clutter

There are all kinds of projects around the house on your to-do list, but tackling clutter in the media room should be at the top. Why? Because the media room should be a place to kick back, and having a decluttered space will help you relax.  We’ve made this resolution easy by breaking it into easily do-able pieces that you can tackle one by one, so you’ll actually keep it!

Learning New TV Tech: All about Smart TVs & Streaming

Whether you’re investing in a new TV, or looking to upgrade the one you have, smart TV interfaces are becoming both more available and more popular. Smart TVs and Streaming Devices allow you to do many things that previously were only available on a computer or a special external device. Which one will be right for you? Read on to learn more.

Keep your New Years Resolution to Embrace Technology

Every year the tech market continues to bring out new products aimed to improve and streamline our lives…but are you taking advantage of it? Make 2016 the year that you use what’s available to you and bring technology into every aspect of your life.

Learning New TV Tech: All about Curved Screens

Curved screens are increasingly becoming an option for people in the market for a new TV.  But what’s the idea behind a curved screen, and what are the benefits? Are there any down sides? Find out why these new TVs are gaining in popularity.

CES 2016: Seeing the present and the future at Sony

Walking into the Sony booth I was looking around for their new TVs to check out at CES. I was wondering why they weren’t more prominently displayed when I realized they were actually not that far in front of me. I couldn’t see them initially because I was viewing them from the side, and they’re so thin they practically disappear.

CES 2016: Hands-on with new tech at the Samsung booth

It’s one thing to hear about new technology, and another to see it, feel it and watch it in action right before your eyes. I had a chance to experience several new items from the Samsung product line, months before they’ll hit store shelves. Read to see what’s new, and headed to consumers for the future, as well as what’s shipping right now.

CES 2016: Sony advances 4K TVs, Hi-Res Audio, 4K Action Cam

As one of the longest running names in technology, Sony has recast itself dozens of times over the past four decades. From producing black and white tube TVs to the Walkman, from the Trinitron to the PS4, Sony has a pedigree of advancing technology with serious style. This year at the International CES in Las Vegas Sony has announced a wide range of products that we can look forward to throughout this year. Want to know more? Read on.

CES 2016: Samsung Announces New Tablet, TVs and the smartest fridge...

Upgrades for the Gear S2 smart watch! New TVs! A smart fridge with cameras that orders food for you! That’s not even the full list of what Samsung announced at the Consumer Electronics Show today. Wait till you see what else they rolled out.

CES 2016: LG Announces Super Thin, Super Ultra HD TVs

From the floor at CES – Just when you thought new TVs were already like little slices of reality in a flat-pack box, LG is out of the gate with TV that’s better than 4K or UHD. See what they anounced at the Consumer Electronics Show today; a Super Ultra HD TV that’s just 6.6mm thick!  

TV Mounting Guide Part 3: The Installation

This guide will provide answers and give you an in-depth look at how Geek Squad can help you mount a TV in your own space. And, it doesn’t matter if you have a brand new Smart TV or an older model (like I do!), this guide works for everyone’s situation. In part 3, the Geek Squad arrives for the install! Read the article to find out how it went.