Boost productivity by updating your home office

Working from home can be both liberating and lonely, no matter how much you do it. Productivity is always a factor when it comes to getting work done, and working the way you should. Take a good look around your home office and you’re likely to think of a few things that can make it better.

What is the best Smarthome technology to help protect your kids?

As we head back to school and back from our vacations, there are a few new things to think about as we get back to the grind. Are the kids going to be home alone after school or on sick days? What can we add to our homes to provide a little more safety and security? Fortunately, there are ways you can leverage smarthome technology to lend you a helping hand. Here are a few types of products to help you out.

Smart home solutions for older parents

Empower seniors with smart home tech from Best Buy, ensuring safety, health, and effortless living through innovative solutions.

Keep your New Years Resolution to Embrace Technology

Every year the tech market continues to bring out new products aimed to improve and streamline our lives…but are you taking advantage of it? Make 2016 the year that you use what’s available to you and bring technology into every aspect of your life.

Where should you start building your Smart Home

Thanks to all of the different options out there, smarthome technology can be applied to every room of your home. Lights, thermostats, garage door openers and keyless entry are just a few of the things you can enable your home to do “smarter” than before. With so many options, where should you get started? I am going to help you think that through!

Introduce your Dad to Smart Home Products this Father’s Day!

If you’d like to give your Dad the gift of peace of mind this coming Father’s Day, you might want to consider helping him turn his home into a modern-day Smart Home. The products within the Smart Home realm can increase home security, reduce costs (particularly electrical and heating costs), and add convenience to your father’s daily life. Click on through if you’d like to learn all about several of these very useful products!

Holiday 2015 Gift Ideas: “Smart” Stocking Stuffers for Men

As the undisputed multiple time defending winner of the “hardest person to buy gifts for” award, I know the difficulty I put my family through every year around the holidays. I guess it runs in the family. My dad has always been the hardest person for me to buy for. I can never read what he’s interested in and when I do, he’s already gone out and bought it for himself. I can usually rely on cool gadgets to do the trick though. This year, he’s right at the doorstep of retirement and has taken a shining to many of the smarthome things I have around the house. I’m going to start the gift search with stocking-sized gifts. From a possible smartwatch to a light bulb, here are a few ideas to mull around for that difficult-to-buy-for man in your life.  

FAQs about home security cameras: wired, wireless, indoor, outdoor, and IP 

Begin to understand home security cameras from wired, wireless, indoor, outdoor, or IP.

Setting up a Smart Home Series Part 2: Preparing your House

In this installment of the “Setting up a Smart Home” series, we get ready to install! Before you bring out the power tools and start downloading apps left and right, you should keep a few things in mind. This blog will help you sort through some of the important things (like having the best internet connection possible) and smaller things like spot checking potential trouble spots. 

Create a smart wireless network for your smart home

The most important part of your Smarthome network has nothing to do with the products you choose or how they interact with each other. Flashy coordination is nothing without a solid network connection. Without a stable wireless network setup, you won’t have a stable smarthome network. Read on about how to create an easy and smart wireless network for your smart home.