What’s new at Best Buy for December?

Looking for great gift ideas? There's a lot of great stuff that's just hit the shelves of Best Buy. Take a look and see what's new and amazing for December.

ASUS ROG Strix Scope II 96 wireless gaming keyboard review

The ASUS ROG Strix Scope II 96 is a wireless keyboard that has tri-band connectivity, ROG NX Snow switches, and a 1500 hour battery life.

Kick Your Fall off the Pumpkin Spice Way

Pumpkin spice season is in full force, and I have a few great recipes you can try if you'd like to branch out and go beyond the usual Pumpkin spice latte.

Smart Home System Series – Works with Nest

Smart Homes are becoming easier than ever to set up, thanks to the different platforms available that allow all your connected devices to work and communicate together. In previous blogs of this Smart Home System Series, I looked at other home automation frameworks, such as Apple HomeKit and Z-Wave. In this edition, I’ll tell you all about Google’s smart home tech, and what Works with Nest.

The Smart Home Series: Home or Away, Control the Garage Door...

With a trusted name in Chamberlain automated openers, trust their MyQ smart home device to never drive away from home wondering if you left the garage door open again. Read here about the benefits and how easy it is to install using your smartphone, Wi-Fi and MyQ.

What you need to know about formatting for your external drives

This blog discusses the different format options for external drives to ensure that when you plug it in, it is going to do exactly what you need.

Protect your family from allergens at this time of year

If you suffer from allergies, let me give you few tips on how to protect your family from allergens at this time of year.

Best Buy is giving you a chance to win a Nespresso...


Would you like to win the new gourmet coffee system from Nespresso? We’ll post a question about the coffee system Facebook. To enter for your chance to win, just answer that question on Facebook.  It’s a simple way to get this advanced technology in your home. Read on for complete details on how you could win this amazing machine.

Enter Best Buy’s back to school scavenger hunt contest

  Summer is winding down and that means it is time to prepare for back to school. Every student needs something, whether it’s clothes, shoes, pencils or pens. Navigating the aisles and websites to locate the best products to complete your back to school list can be daunting. The last thing you need is to struggle with the terminology of the new technology. Best Buy is going to help with this fantastic tech terms scavenger hunt. You’ll learn what some of the lingo really means, and at the same time have a chance to win great prizes.