NAMM 2014: Emerging Themes, small and portable from Roland, iRig and...


It’s only been one day at the NAMM show in Anaheim California, but I’ve been seeing a couple of themes recurring as I walk among the booths. Continued integration of or integration with touch-screen devices and miniaturization & portability seem to be features that a lot of vendors are including in their product lines this year. Day 2 will be a test to see if my hunches here are correct and to see if there are any other trends emerging.

NAMM 2014: The Weird and Wonderful – Day 1 Wrap-up


NAMM is BIG and LOUD. Along the way to giving you a sneak-peak at some gear that Best Buy is going to offer you, my francophone co-hort and I came across a few things that gave us pause, made us stop and look or were just … plain weird.

NAMM 2014: Samson GoMic Microphone – A Dark Horse


A tour through the Samson booth proved to be a treasure trove of good ideas and why-hasn’t-anyone-else-thought-of-this discoveries. Not only were there things that make you go “hmmm”, but the yet-to-be-confirmed forecasted price points seemed to be more than reasonable. After a long day walking the Anaheim Convention Center, the Samson booth turned out to be an energizing stop with many Easter eggs.

NAMM 2014: Roland Has Something to Offer Every Musician


  Roland has a lot to offer the musician – whether you’re an amateur or pro. For the guitarist, there are a number of exciting treats that Roland and BOSS have come up with that you can find at Best Buy.

Best Buy Canada: NAMM-ward Ho!


The show hasn’t even started and already the air around the Anaheim Convention center is electric! Artists, vendors, press and distributors are all converging on Anaheim to attend the biggest music-gear convention in the world. NAMM 2014 is shaping up to be a monster of a show and Best Buy Canada is here to cover it all.

NAMM 2014: Best Buy will share all the latest news on...


January is a big month for new product announcements. In early January there was CES – the largest trade show for consumer electronics. Many companies keep their new products a secret so they can excite and surprise consumers with their announcements during the conference.  Late January has the NAMM show – the largest trade show in the world for musical instruments. Just like at CES, attendees at NAMM often keep the products they will present under wraps, until the show. What will be the biggest news in musical instruments for 2014. Best Buy will be at the conference to find out for you.