How To Take The Best Photos Of Your Kids And Pets

So we’ve all heard the old Hollywood cliche: ‘Never work with children or animals’. But for those us who love to make portraits, sometimes kids and pets are the only models available to us! So today I’m going to give you some tips and techniques for photographing these adorable, frustrating subjects.  

Tips for creating the best password for your mobile accounts

     Hacking into mobile accounts is all over the news these days, with either cyber criminals compromising consumer data, or the FBI wanting to break into criminals’ phones for evidence. Security is on everyone’s minds and you should be thinking about it, too. Your first line of defence for any mobile account, of course, is a solid and strong password. So, stop using “password” or your cat’s name, and read on for a few tips for creating the best password for your mobile accounts.

How to get the most from your home theatre

Home theatre has evolved to be so much more than just a big TV on a stand in a dark room; companies like Dolby Labs and IMAX have been working with standards bodies and alliances such as the Blu-Ray group to help deliver an experience that meets and in some cases even exceeds what you can see, hear, and feel in the theatre. This article acts as a guide for the baseline of what you need and how to get the most out of that equipment for the best home theatre experience.  

Helpful baby maintenance tips

Having a baby is hands down one of the most exciting times of your life. If you're having your first baby it can be overwhelming thinking about cutting their tiny nails, bathing them and washing their delicate hair and scalp. Read on for some tips on grooming your new bundle of joy.

How to improve your eating habits with 5 simple appliances

These five simple appliances can help you make nutritious foods (and drinks!) you'll love, and encourage eating healthy at home.

How to clean your oven: easy and efficient tips

As one of the most overused kitchen appliances, ovens deserve some much needed care, so here are tips for how to clean them.

Summer survival guide part 6: using your PC to keep kids...

Like many Canadians, I spend much of my winter looking forward to summer. However, summer isn’t all BBQs, beaches and convertibles. Canadian parents are also facing the yearly ritual of keeping the kids busy now that school’s out. This aspect of summer is especially challenging for working parents, many of whom have the added worry of kids being home alone. I’ve put together some tips for using your PC to keep your kids entertained and out of trouble during summer vacation.

Smarten Up Series: Waking up to Sun Coloured Light

Sleep is such an important part of our lives even though we may not enjoy getting it with so many things to do and see. Regardless, there are ways to maximize the quality of your sleep in what little time you are in bed. In this final edition of the Smarten Up series, we discuss the values of colour with sleep as well as what smart home technology you can use to help you rest and wake up refreshed better.

Summer sides from the garden to your table – Shelly’s Friday...


The amazing thing about summer vegetables is that you can make a new side dish for dinner every single night. Some of them are so good you may just opt out of a main course and stick to your sides.

Back To School LunchBox ideas – Shelly’s Friday Favourites


For me, one of the most stressful parts of back to school is figuring out what to pack in their lunch kits. This year I’m getting a jump on things by creating a list of lunches that are cute, creative, and will be something they enjoy eating.