How to build the ultimate gaming station in your dorm

The school year is almost upon us, and if you are going to university, chances are you will be moving into a dorm. Granted you won’t be spending all your time in your dorm room, but when you are in there, you want it to be comfortable and to maximize what little space you have available. Hopefully this guide will help you pick out some great gear and give you some good ideas to give you the ultimate gaming station.

Revive your kitchen for summer

Summer is the perfect time to revive your kitchen with a new coat of paint, new appliances or some colourful accessories.  Read on for tips on how you can revive your kitchen this summer.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites: Move Over, Pumpkin Spice; Cayenne Is Making a...

‘Tis the season to spice things up by adding chili peppers to your recipes. If Starbucks is doing it with their Chile Mocha, then we should follow suit, non? The chili family boasts many members, such as Anaheim, banana, cayenne, Fresno, habanero, jalapeno, padron, piquillo, poblano, red Thai, serrano, and shishito. The good news is that if you are afraid of spicy food, some of these peppers are on the milder side, such as the poblano and piquillo. In...

Workout Tips to Tone Your Arms

Arms are like the cover of a book: if the cover of the book is attractive, the book instantly becomes more appealing. The author/artist of the book feels confident and proud of his masterpiece and rightfully so. Though I strongly believe in being fit and healthy from the inside first, why not sculpt your arms in the process to give yourself something extra to feel good about! So here we go, let’s get into exactly how to tone your arms!

How To Use Your Camera, Part 4: Manual Mode

Today, in the final post in the ‘How To Use Your Camera’ series, we’re looking at manual mode and how learning a few simple concepts can help you push your photography to the next level.

How to buy the right Virtual Reality Headset as a gift

Are you gifting a Virtual Reality Headset this holiday season? Here are things to keep in mind along with info and previous reviews from the Best Buy Blog!

How to find the right Logitech keyboard for back to school

Looking for a Logitech keyboard for back to school? I've highlighted the features of several types so you can narrow down your options.

Smart TV vs Regular TV + Streaming Device: what to pick?

If you’re in the market for a new TV you’ve undoubably encountered the dilemma of whether to go for a Smart TV, or just a regular TV with a seperate streaming device. Each option has it’s pros and cons. Today we’ll take a look at each to help you decide which is best for your needs.

How to improve your eating habits with 5 simple appliances

These five simple appliances can help you make nutritious foods (and drinks!) you'll love, and encourage eating healthy at home.

How to clean and sanitize the tech in your home

Cleaning your tech can not only help keep your home germ-free, but can even improve your tech's performance and prolong its life.