Shelly’s Friday Favourites goes through Disneyland withdrawal

It’s been just over a month since we wound up our latest trip down the West coast to California, and since that time I’ve been pondering the very harsh reality of food cravings. It’s one thing to crave a type of food you have access to, but to crave something you can only eat at a very specific place you only visit occasionally? That’s a tough one. If you’ve ever been to Disneyland, you probably understand exactly what I mean, and there’s even a name for it—Disneyland withdrawal.

Moving tips: mapping out furniture in your new rooms

Moving day. I know it all too well, having moved twice in the last three years, the latest just a few months ago. And when it comes to mapping out the furniture in your new rooms, there are a few tips that can go a long way to making the process run smoothly.

3 Ways to Make Gluten Free Pizza

  Pizza is one of my favourite foods. It’s perfect for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, as well as after a late night of drinking. I couldn’t imagine having to give it up because of celiac disease or a sensitivity to gluten or wheat. But if this applies to you, have no fear: there are ways to make non-traditional pizza crust so you can continue eating the food you love. 

Shelly’s Friday Favourites: Creating the perfect chicken recipe

  Our guest blogger this week on Shelly’s Friday Favourites is Leila Pejman. Leila comes to us from Future Shop’s Tech Blog where everyone enjoyed reading about (and cooking) her amazing recipes. From gluten free to special brunches, Leila’s covered them all. Enjoy these great chicken recipes!

Don’t put yourself last on your list

If you’re like 99.9% of mothers, when you are under the weather you suck it up buttercup and get stuff done! I’m working hard on joining the 0.01% of moms who actually stop and take a time out. I think it makes us better people to put our own names higher up on our list of things to do. In working towards that goal, I have some suggestions.

Spring home remodel projects: the living room

There is something almost magical about that first Saturday of the year when you wake up late, open your curtains and windows to let the glorious sunshine and fresh air in, and realize that spring has officially sprung. I immediately associated my acknowledgement of spring with the need to clean, re-organize, and refresh my home, beginning with the living room. So with my “spring refresh” hat on, here are my plans for the next month or so—plans that you can easily incorporate into your own spring living room refresh.

Moving Day: tips for a smooth transition when you have small...

Moving is always a drag. Add small kids and/or babies to the mix, and it can be even more challenging. I know, having moved twice in my son’s first 3 years of liife. Here are some tips to help make the move run more smoothly with young kids in tow.

How to get out of the house (kind of) fast

How fast do you get out of the house when you have kids? We all know 45 minutes spent at the front door without ever crossing the threshold is not unheard of. I make a habit of getting everything ready hours before we actually have to be anywhere.  It is a feat of incredible magic and coordination to get out the door without screaming your head off, breaking a sweat or a nail or both. Here are a few suggestions that may help.

You’re about to have a baby! Now what?

Let’s rewind to winter 2008. Me, my beach ball belly and my husband step into a big box baby store full of dreams of tiny yellow onesies. What greets us is aisle upon aisle of plastic, primary-coloured product. Strollers, diapers, breast pumps, soothers, a billion bottles and toys. Within 10 minutes I am drenched in tears, completely overwhelmed and feeling wholly inadequate as a shopper and a soon-to-be mom. Was it the hormones? Of course! But it was also the reality of having way too many options and just not knowing what was needed and what wasn’t. Use my breakdown to your advantage.

Shelly’s Friday Favorites does Spring BBQing

      Spring is finally here, and on the West coast we’ve been blessed with gorgeous weather earlier than usual, so my mind has already turned to BBQ season. I know I’m not the only one out there grilling early this year because I can smell the all too familiar BBQ smell coming from my neighbours as well.