Tips for setting up the perfect dorm room

It's almost time to head back to school, so let me give you tips for setting up the perfect dorm room.

Moving tips: mapping out furniture in your new rooms

Moving day. I know it all too well, having moved twice in the last three years, the latest just a few months ago. And when it comes to mapping out the furniture in your new rooms, there are a few tips that can go a long way to making the process run smoothly.

3 Tips on Finding the Perfect New Mattress       

Most people spend at least six to eight hours sleeping per night, so a good mattress is a must. If you wake up lethargic after sleeping for at least seven hours or your back is beginning to feel the pain, it’s a sign that you may need a new one.

Bedroom furniture that encourages independence in toddlers 

Learn about the key role a toddler bed and kids bedroom furniture play in fostering independence in your child.

Amazing furniture picks for every room

  Who doesn’t love to do a little furniture re-arranging in the spring? The only problem with moving your furniture is that you suddenly find you don’t like it all that much anymore. But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered with some amazing furniture picks for every room in your house.

How many bedding sets do you need?

I’d love to have 10 sets of sheets in varying colours and thread counts, but space wise, it’s not realistic. That’s why when it comes to bedding, most people really only need 3 sets of sheets per bed in your house. Need some recommendations for your three bedding sets? Here are my picks. 

Koala Mattress-in-a-Box Review

A hands-on review of the Koala mattress-in-a-box, made from gel memory foam which is purported to offer good support, moisture absorption, heat dissapation, odour elimination, and more, while you sleep.

Should you get a toddler bed or regular bed for your...

Once your toddler is ready to move out of the crib, should you get a toddler bed, or a regular one? This article discusses pros and cons of each, to help you make the right decision for your family and child.

Breathe new life into all the bedrooms in your home

Creating a cozy, comfortable, and welcoming bedroom is one of the most important things you can do for your daily peace of mind, and that doesn’t just go for your own bedroom, but for every bedroom in the house.  From your master bedroom to your kid’s rooms and beyond, if you’d like to breathe some new life into all of your bedrooms, here’s how you can do just that.

Buying Guide For Beds

A bed is one of the most important pieces of furniture you own. If your family isn't happy with their beds, no one gets a restful sleep. Here's how to choose the perfect bed for you.