Create the perfect master bedroom


Create a stylish and relaxing master bedroom with some of our high quality bedroom furniture!

3 Tips on Finding the Perfect New Mattress       

Most people spend at least six to eight hours sleeping per night, so a good mattress is a must. If you wake up lethargic after sleeping for at least seven hours or your back is beginning to feel the pain, it’s a sign that you may need a new one.

Tips for setting up the perfect dorm room

It's almost time to head back to school, so let me give you tips for setting up the perfect dorm room.

Everything you need to know about pillows

One morning last week, I woke up with such a terrible pain in my neck and shoulder that I thought I had been stabbed in my sleep. As soon as I realized that I watch far too many crime dramas on TV, I managed to wrench myself out of bed and get ready for the day ahead. Considering the fact that I had done nothing even remotely strenuous the day before, I figured there could only be one culprit responsible for my agony—my pillow. My pancake flat, ancient, misshapen pillow that I love ever so much. But as it turns out, buying a new pillow isn’t as easy as you’d think! There are a tone of options out there. Armed with my newfound knowledge, I thought I’d share with you the 411 on pillows.

Create an amazing elegant bedroom

Just because you’re parents of a toddler doesn’t mean you can’t have a space just for yourself. Chances are the living room, playroom, backyard, even kitchen, is dominated by kid stuff. But once your little one is old enough, it’s time to claim back the space that is rightfully all yours: your bedroom.

Keep that New Year’s resolution to get more sleep with new...

Replacing sheets, pillows, and duvet covers isn’t just a nice way to change the style of your bedroom – it’s a great way to get more sleep. Everyone should have a cozy, comfortable bed, because that spot will be your sanctuary when you’re tired, sick, or just need a warm place to cocoon. Kick off your new year by making your bed your favourite spot in the entire house.

Design a child’s room primed for scholastic excellence

Once the kids head back to school, bring on the homework! Sure, you can help them out as they get lots of it done while sitting at the kitchen table. But to encourage great scholastic excellence, a good idea is to give them some private working quarters in their bedroom.

Bedroom furniture that encourages independence in toddlers 

Learn about the key role a toddler bed and kids bedroom furniture play in fostering independence in your child.

A bedroom makeover is more than just a game

A bedroom is a sanctuary, somewhere you can go in your house, close the door, and just breath a sigh of relief. That’s why bedrooms hit the top of my list for when choosing rooms that need a face lift. Although it’s fun to redecorate, you want to make sure you go through all the steps to ensure your bedroom makeover is right for you.   

4 Reasons Why You Should Change Your Mattress

If you’ve had your mattress for eight to ten years, now’s the time to replace it! More importantly, if you start to notice back pain in the morning or are waking up lethargic, it's time to change your mattress. If you are in denial that you need to do something, check out these warning signs to help you make that important decision.