Elliptical buying guide

Looking for a way to bring a low-impact gym workout right into your home? Take a look at Best Buy's Elliptical Buying Guide.

Rowing machines buying guide

Rowing machines don't get the love they deserve when it comes to exercise equipment, but contrary to popular belief, they work many muscles, not just arms!

Hygear Gear 1 portable smart fitness system review

Everything is getting smart including resistance bands. The Hygear Gear 1 smart fitness system is a portable gym you can take anywhere. No more excuses.

Hygear Hyrope smart jump rope review

Fitness equipment is getting smart. The Hyrope Smart Jump rope tracks your jumps and workout sessions with video tutorials and exercise programs.

Home Gym Buying Guide

Considering setting up a home gym? Here are some suggestions on what you might need to get started, from big machines to workout gear for a smaller setup.

Enter for a chance to win a new Fitbit Charge 5...

Taking care of your heart health is easier with the kind of insight that the Fitbit Charge 5 prizes we are giving away in this contest can provide

Manage your health with smart scales and blood pressure monitors

Heart health is important, and tech can help you manage it from home, including smart scales and blood pressure monitors that work beautifully hand-in-hand

Coaching from your wrist: popular smartwatch fitness coaches

Smartwatch fitness coaches can design programs, track workouts, and even help reduce stress. Let's explore how they work, and which coach is right for you.

11 things you need to start working out at home

Getting going with working out at home is exciting, and there are really only a few things you need along with a small shared space to be well on your way.

New in wearables at CES 2022

From fitness trackers and smartwatches to eye masks, tracking rings, and more, here's what's new in wearables at CES 2022