Withings BPM connect blood pressure monitor.

There’s a diverse line of health and wellness tech products, including everything from activity trackers, to wellness clothing and jewelry, heart rate monitors, and more. Two particular products can work great together to help you manage your heart health both at home and on-the-go are smart scales and blood pressure monitors.

What makes these scales and blood pressure monitors smart?

Withings Body Scan Home Station

We’re all familiar with what a scale does: you know, that device in your bathroom that you try to avoid stepping on, particularly after a few days of gorging on treats? But a smart scale, can show you more than just the three numbers that define your weight. It also measures data like your body composition, including BMI, water percentage, muscle and bone mass, and offers insight into cardiovascular health. That data is typically synced to an app on your smartphone via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.

Health tech has become a huge part of trade shows like CES, and in 2022, Withings showcased an even smarter innovation with its Body Scan Home Health Station that can also measure ECG and heart rate through a retractable handle that you pull up and hold while standing on top.

Beurer blood pressure monitor

Another key indicator to one’s health is blood pressure, and blood pressure monitors keep tabs on just that. Wrap one around your arm, press the button, and it will send the systolic and diastolic pressures and heart rate data to the partner app on your smartphone. You can keep a history of recordings to show your doctor, or monitor any unusual rises or falls. Many will also display the reading right on the device’s screen as well so you instantly see the results.

Who might benefit most?

A man standing on the Fitbit Aria smart scale.

Naturally, anyone can benefit from devices that help improve and monitor health and wellness. But for some, it will be particularly important.

Someone trying to lose weight

First is those who are trying to lose weight. Seeing the pounds go on or come off is great, but a smart scale can tell you other important data, like what your body fat percentage is, BMI, and even muscle mass. Anyone who works out knows that the number on the scale could stay the same as fat converts to muscle, so rather than feel defeated that you only lost a couple pounds, you can realize that if your body percentage is down and muscle mass up, it doesn’t really matter as whatever you’re doing is working.

Someone trying to live healthier

A woman with the Qardio blood pressure monitor on her arm.

It’s also important to be able to see how your weight can impact your heart health. As you start to exercise, eat better, get more sleep, or work on calming meditations and de-stressing, do you notice that your blood pressure readings are improving? Using these two devices hand-in-hand give you a holistic picture. You can watch for progress and patterns, set goals, and work on improving your stats in both.

With that said, using both a smart scale and blood pressure monitor is useful for those who aren’t overweight or trying to lose pounds, too. It’s always important to improve your health, and this could mean working towards a better BMI, reducing heart stress, and living an overall healthier life. Maybe you want to see how your blood pressure is impacted by reducing your sodium intake, for example, or check your water retention with a smart scale that can provide deep analysis through sensors at your feet.

The elderly or those with blood pressure or heart issues

A woman with an Omron blood pressure monitor on her arm

The elderly or anyone with blood pressure or heart issues are also perfect candidates for such devices. My retired mother sometimes has blood pressure issues, so her portable blood pressure monitor is an important tool she uses to keep on top of any unusual rises and falls to report them back to her doctor, or know when an issue arises before it gets worse. Some even have a sharing feature so the data can be shared with children, grandchildren, doctors, or friends to keep an eye on someone with blood pressure issues from afar.

Athletes and fitness fanatics

A hand holding a phone with an app and the Qardio base smart scale in front.

Naturally, both devices in unison can come in handy for athletes and fitness fanatics, or those new to fitness. You can keep on top of hopefully increasing muscle mass or weight loss, and gain a better understanding of overall heart health and how exercising fits into the equation.

Pregnant women

Another great candidate for this combination: pregnant women might appreciate being able to keep track of how their weight is increasing as the baby grows beyond just the information they receive at each doctor’s appointment. And seeing how baby’s development and movements impact heart health can be useful and heartwarming (pun intended.)

Bottom line

No matter your particular health goals, age, or fitness level, smart scales and blood pressure monitors can work together to help create a clearer picture of your health and wellness. If you want to add a third item to the set-up, consider a pulse oximeter, which clips to your finger to test your blood oxygen saturation: these can also measure your heart rate through your finger.

Check our more health and wellness products at Best Buy Online

Christine Persaud
With 20+ years of experience in trade and consumer tech journalism, I have covered the tech space since before social media was a "thing" and the smartphone as we know it was even invented. Writing for various technology, lifestyle, and entertainment sites, I have covered and reviewed hundreds of tech products, from home appliances to wearables, fitness tech to headphones, TV entertainment products and services, and more. I'm also a passionate foodie who loves to cook and bake, a TV show fanatic (happy to give what to watch recommendations!), and proud mother to a 12-year-old son.