Apple Desktop and Laptop Buying Guide — Best Buy Canada

Everything you need to know to ensure you make the right buying choices when picking a new MacBook or Apple desktop computer.

Air purifier buying guide

Looking for an air purifier for your home, or not sure if you even need one? This buying guide tells you everything you need to know.

Rowing machines buying guide

Rowing machines don't get the love they deserve when it comes to exercise equipment, but contrary to popular belief, they work many muscles, not just arms!

Smart home buying guide

How do you set up a smart home? This guide will provide you with a list of smart home devices you can use to create your own connected home.

Smartwatch buying guide

Wearing a smartwatch helps you stay connected and multitask efficiently. Which smartwatch should you buy? This smartwatch buying guide can help you decide.

Freezers buying guide

Frozen food can take the work out of your meal prep and cut down on trips to the grocery store. Here's everything you need to know about buying a freezer.

Knives 101 – Different Knives for Different Uses

A few days ago I went grocery shopping, and as I was paying, the cashier asked me if I was collecting stamps. “Stamps for what?” I asked. “Stamps for new knives” she enthusiastically replied. To be honest, I’d never really given much thought to knives before. I mean, I have a set that I got when I first moved out many moons ago, but I took my stamp and went on my merry way. Later, I was flipping through the knife brochure that came with my stamp and after about page 6, I started thinking – why are there so many different types? What knife is for what? Do you really need 18 or will two do? As it turns out, you do! Here’s a breakdown of what makes one knife different from another.

How to buy a record player

Ready to start enjoying the warm, analogue sound of a record collection? Here’s everything you need to know when buying a turntable.

Computer monitor buying guide

Picking a computer monitor used to be easy. Now there are hundreds of choices and dozens of features to consider. This buying guide will help you choose.

Cables buying guide

A cable buying guide that covers everything you need to know about cables and connectivity options for your PC, tablet, cell phone, tablet, TV and more.