Google wants to make your home smarter by acquiring Dropcam


If you had any doubts that Google was serious about home automation (not that there was much room for doubt after the company bought Nest Lab, maker of the Nest Learning Thermostat) then the news out of Mountain View today should convince you. Google is buying Dropcam, the maker of high quality streaming video cameras. Your home is about to get a lot smarter.

Far Cry 4 – Pre-Order Bonus


Do you like causing chaos and havok amongst pirates and corrupt military organizations? I know you do! After an allstar showing with Far Cry 3, Ubisoft have brought us another ‘dude against some evil regime in a small country’ bonanza that promises to be full of weapons, exotic animals, and lots of untamed wilderness. Easily one of the heavy weights when it comes to dollars vs content, Far Cry has come again.

Win a Nikon D3200 DSLR camera


Are you aware of the variety of cameras available today? Nikon, for example, has many new camera models to suit a variety of photographic needs. Best Buy wants to introduce you to some of these cameras, so you can be better informed when you are looking to purchase a new camera. Best Buy is even going to give away one of these amazing cameras. Read on to learn which Nikon camera is right for you and to enter to win a Nikon D3200.

E3 2014: 10 Reasons Why the Nintendo WiiU is your next...


Everybody came out guns blazing at E3 last week, and now that the dust has settled, I’m going to discuss why the Nintendo WiiU is your next gaming console.   This is the last of a three part series spanning all three consoles.  Reasons why the PS4 and Xbox One should be your next console are in the articles below this one.

E3 2014 – Top 10 Reasons Why the PlayStation 4 is...


In the wake E3, as gamers we got a big dose of information on our favorite things. I made a list in favor of the Xbox One, now its the PS4’s turn. With no less interesting content, and perhaps more, depending on your taste, Sony and the PlayStation 4 aren’t lacking for good reasons to head in their direction for your console needs. Have a look.

E3 2014 – Top 10 Reasons Why Xbox One is your...


Stunned by the sheer amount of content and information you’ve been bombarded by based on this years E3? I don’t blame you, I’m there too, but not to worry folks, I’m a professional! Having had my eyes and mind invaded by more gaming goodness than I would have anticipated (and I anticipated a big year), I’m here to boil it all down.  If you’ve been wondering what console to go with, click on the following for 10 very good reasons why you might want to choose the Xbox One.

E3 2014 Highlights – Games We Didn’t See at the Press...


A bevvy of beauties that missed the Big Stage, there have been so many things to be excited about that some just don’t get the attention they deserve.  It’s time to fix that.  Many standout titles, intreguing games, and subtle hints of things to come have been shown since this whole thing kicked off, and it’s very easy for worth games to get lost in the shuffle.  So, here we have a collection of E3 2014s Best of Games not in the press conferences (or that we simply havent been able to talk about yet).

E3 2014: Are Long Gameplay Videos taking the place of trailers?


It might just be one of the best things the Social Media and Youtube age have brought to us. Thanks to live streaming tools like Twitch, gamers can sit and watch other gamers play for hours on end to help them decide upon whether or not to buy the games themselves. Developers and Publishers have listened, and they now put out these longer videos too, either by themselves or through the help of other gaming websites.    What are some of these good reveals thus far at E3?  Read on to find out.

E3 2014 – Ubisoft Press Conference


There can be no denying that Ubisoft is one of the big boys now. From the Triple A to more unique and indie spirited, there seems to be no stopping them.  Whether you like to drop from roofs with hidden blades up your sleeves, drive cars really fast over an immense game world, tactical shootering, or perhaps something a little less flashy with a little more depth, Ubi brought it this year.  Compiling an impressive list to bring on stage, here’s the highlights of Ubi’s press event.

E3 2014: Nintendo Dazzles and Charms during their digital event


During their huge digital event away from some of the glitz and glamour of E3, Nintendo came out swinging against its competitors, confirming some major new editions of titles like Mario Party, The Legend of Zelda, Star Fox and even Mario vs. Donkey Kong!  They also shed some more light on previously announced titles like the new Smash Bros, and Hyrule Warriors!  Read on to find out more.