Home Authors Posts by Stacey McGregor

Stacey McGregor

Stacey McGregor
Stacey McGregor is a marketing and communications professional based in Vancouver, BC. She has a passion for the written word, loves learning about new technology and gadgets, and enjoys sharing what she learns through Best Buy's Plug In blog.

How to care for your cast iron cookware

Cast iron cookware has been around for centuries. Long before the electric stove was invented in the early 1900s, most meals were prepared using cast iron skillets, pots and griddles, and an open flame. A lot has changed since then, but the appeal of cast iron remains the same. Said to be the best cookware ever invented, the key to its longevity lies in its care. Follow these simple rules and your cast iron cookware will last for generations to come.

Review: Sony Blu-ray Disc™ Players

I have a confession to make. I don’t own a Blu-ray disc player. In fact, I don’t think I’ve even powered on my DVD player in well over two years. It’s not that I don’t love movies. It’s just that I’ve become far too reliant on good ol’ Netflix and its overabundance of chick flicks and ocean-related documentaries to bother with anything else. Needless to say, I was a little concerned when I was sent two new Sony Blu-ray Disc players to review. Was I the right person for the job? I don’t even own a Blu-ray disc! Turns out I had no reason to worry. It also turns out that I want one of these little guys for myself.

Philips’ Hue Go will brighten your world in many brilliant colours

There’s a new gadget available and I’m pretty sure you’re going to want one. I know this because as much as I may have initially scoffed at the idea that it would be a product I would ever want or need, I’ve come to the realization that it is indeed something I have to have. It’s the new Philips Hue Go–a WiFi enabled portable mood light that can be used indoors or outdoors.

Review: Healthy Cooking with the Breville Health Smart Steamer

Given the fact that bathing suit season is right around the corner and I’ve recently launched myself into an epic mission to get in shape and slim down in record time, I was thrilled to have an opportunity to review the Breville Health Smart Steamer.

Break a sweat! Get more active and stay that way

I have a love-hate relationship with fitness. I love the way I feel when I’m active and fit, but hate how easy it is to lose momentum and fall back into bad, unhealthy habits. Now that the days are longer, the weather warmer, and bathing suit season imminent, I’m on a mission to shed my winter coat and get back to my healthy self. If you’re looking to do the same, here are some tips that have worked for me in the past that will help you get more active and stay that way.

Review: Sony Wireless Headsets

I love music. No matter where I am or what I’m doing, you can be sure that I have headphones of some sort near me, or on me. Needless to say I was pretty excited when I had the opportunity recently to review two models of Sony Wireless Stereo Headsets. After a week of testing, here’s my take on the two models.

Why upgrading your air conditioner will make you a happier person

I’m one of those people that tend to run hot. Yup, it’s true. I’m that person wearing a tank top in May when the rest of the city is clad in spring jackets. I’m that person who is lobster-red at and dripping in sweat five minutes into a cardio class at the gym while everyone else remains cool and dry. And now that spring has arrived and the sun has decided to pay us a visit once again, I am that person sweltering in an apartment that features fantastic windows; all of which face west. Needless to say, air conditioning and I are friends.

A brief history of mixers

We rely on, and come into contact with, so many modern conveniences on a daily basis that it is easy to lose sight of the fact that not all that long ago many of those conveniences had not yet been imagined, let alone invented. Take the electric mixer for example. Can you fathom making cookie dough or whipping cream entirely by hand? I certainly can’t. Electric mixers are a staple in almost every kitchen, but have only been around for about 100 years, and surprisingly, their history is much more interesting than you would have thought.

Spring home remodel projects: the living room

There is something almost magical about that first Saturday of the year when you wake up late, open your curtains and windows to let the glorious sunshine and fresh air in, and realize that spring has officially sprung. I immediately associated my acknowledgement of spring with the need to clean, re-organize, and refresh my home, beginning with the living room. So with my “spring refresh” hat on, here are my plans for the next month or so—plans that you can easily incorporate into your own spring living room refresh.

What to look for in a TV mount

So, you’ve just picked up that new TV you’ve been coveting. You’re beyond thrilled; and seeing as though you’ve spent the last several months pinning décor examples on Pinterest, you know exactly where it should be mounted. But before you jump headfirst into securing your new toy on the wall, there are a few things to keep in mind when selecting a TV mount. Here’s the skinny on the three key considerations you need to keep in mind.