Star Wars toys keep getting better with each new movie. Two years ago, when “The Force Awakens” introduced the cute droid BB-8, Sphero introduced their incredibly accurate working version of the droid. Star Wars toys are an integral aspect of the experience: many of us grew up playing with them. So with a new movie arriving this year, Best Buy will help ensure this tradition continues by giving away almost $4000 worth of Star Wars toys in this contest! Which one are you dying to add to your collection?

Star Wars toys are not just for kids

Star Wars toys were always the coolest thing around. When we were kids they were cool, and nothing has change: kids today still love them. Interestingly, adults still love them too. They are not just for collectors either. I’ve met many adults who either still have Star Wars toys from when they were a kid, or ones they’ve acquired more recently.

I have a shiny silver Millennium Falcon that I think is great. It sits next to my computer at Best Buy’s head office. I used to have this massive tie fighter (shown in the image on the right) at my desk too. Unfortunately, our office was recently rearranged and it had to be moved. If I was to choose one of the newest toys as a replacement it would definitely be the Propel Speeder Bike Drone shown in the image at the top.

Boost your Star Wars collection with one contest entry

Few people have the dedication, and the good fortune, to have a large collection of Star Wars toys. Enter this contest and that will change. We will give away 2 great collections of this year’s new Star Wars toys as shown here:


Each of these prize packages has intelligent droids, exciting and fun drones, and the just announced, augmented reality wonder: Jedi Challengesβ€”I bet this will be the hottest new toy for Christmas this year!

How to enter

As with all contests on the Best Buy blog, entering is easy. You can enter only once. In a comment below this article, tell usΒ which one of the Star Wars toys in this contest prize is your favourite and why (you must tell us why it’s your favourite).

What you can win

We will randomly choose 2 winners from all eligible entries. One person will be awarded Prize A shown above, and the other will be awarded Prize B. Each prize is worth approximately $1880.

This contest runs from October 20th until November 2nd, 2017.

Remember you can only enter once. With prizes this fantastic, I suggest you increase your chances by telling all of your friends and family to enter too, and propose if any of your win you share the prize! Use the share buttons below to easily post the contest on your social channels.

Good Luck!

Win Star Wars Toys Rules and Regulations

Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. LITTLEBITS STAR WARS DROID INVENTOR KIT would a great prize to win and to build many many things with my two boys, as they are big time builders (Lego, etc) and they love Star Wars!!

  2. My favourite toy is the LENOVO STAR WARS: JEDI CHALLENGES because my kids would love this as a Christmas present. Star Wars is their favourite of everything and this would be an amazing, high tech toy for them to enjoy. Thanks for the opportunity!

  3. UB TECH STORMTROOPER because I could see my dog being terrified of it and could make for some good entertainment. Either that or the SPHERO STAR WARS BB-9E APP-ENABLED DROID to go with my BB8.

  4. Oh gosh! This is a fantastic contest. Hands down I love the R2-D2 sphero droid! R2 is my favourite Droid, next to BB-8, and I already have a BB-8. My BB-8 needs his legendary rebel buddy so that they can protect the galaxy against large furry creatures known as C-ATs and DiOGees. The empire is strong with these C-ATs and DiOGees, as they run rampant through our house and it’s too much for BB-8 alone! He is sending a distress signal to R2-D2 sphero droid for assistance, he’s our only hope!

    Seriously though, when I learned sphero came out with R2 I fell in love. He’d go perfectly with my BB-8 sphero droid and then we can have droid races in the kitchen.

    Thank you for this opportunity!

  5. The “LENOVO STAR WARS: JEDI CHALLENGES” is my favourite because VR technology has come a long way and I can’t wait to see how much has changed since I first tried the Oculus.

  6. I’d love to win the Sphero R2Q5! that would be my favorite prize. I love technology, Star Wars and of course Droids! Thanks!

  7. My favourite would have to be the SPHERO SW BB-8 APP-ENABLED DROID W/TRNR because I’ve wanted this little guy ever since it was released! I mean who doesn’t want a little droid that you can move with an app?!

  8. I think nine would be Sphero Star Wars R2-D2 App-Enabled Droid. Because I thought it would be cool to have my own R2-D2

  9. Spin Master Star Wars BB-8 Interactive Droid is my favourite. It’s a cool little remote control unit, fun and intriguing at the same time. Good luck to all.

  10. I think any of these would be awesome but if I have to pick I would pick SPHERO STAR WARS R2-D2 APP-ENABLED DROID because who wouldn’t want their own R2 D2 droid!!!

  11. I LOVE the Sphero R2Q5 droid. HE is definitely the droid I’m looking for. I love the fact that he can be controlled using my smart phone and interacts with my other droids. This would make a great xmas gift!

  12. LENOVO STAR WARS: JEDI CHALLENGES would be my favourite. What better way is there to interact with the Star Wars world than through Augmented Reality?

  13. So many great choices. I’m going with the UB TECH STORMTROOPER . Love the voice command feature letting me issue orders directly to the robot. How cool. Also love the Facial Recognition technology, although I might need some help in this set up. Thanks for the contest and keeping me in the know.

  14. omg…My 14 year old daughter has been a Star wars crazed fan since she was 5. Might be my doing!!! πŸ™‚ Would so love the Lenovo Star Wars: Jedi Challenges VR Headset with Saber & Beacon, this would be the funnest thing to help train my little Padawan!!!!

  15. My favourite would have to be the Propel Star Wars TIE Fighter Advanced Battling Quadcopter Drone. I always have a soft spot for the bad guys in movies, and anything Empire is awesome.

  16. The UB Tech Stormtrooper is my favourite because my kid is crazy about robots and I want to win this prize for him.

  17. LENOVO STAR WARS: JEDI CHALLENGES because the empire is everywhere! From Mos Eisley cantina’s to Hoth rebel bases, and especially Coruscant! Any great Jedi needs to know how to wield the light saber. I am ready for my training. As Yoda said β€œWhen gone am I, the last of the Jedi will you be. The Force runs strong in your family. Pass on what you have learned.”

  18. It’s a toss up between the Stormtrooper Robot and BB8 RC! I must be crazy but I can just imagine the hilarity when seeing my two boys (6 and 2) battling each other around the house with them.

  19. I have 4 boys and our whole family are huge Star Wars fans. I think any of the choices above would be a huge hit here, but my personal favorite would be the SPHERO STAR WARS R2-D2 APP-ENABLED DROID. How fun to have your own little R2-D2!

  20. My favourite would be the Sphero Star Wars R2-D2 App-Enabled Droid. While BB-8 is cute, I grew up with R2-D2. Even as a droid, he had a wide range of emotions and was so loyal. He reminds me of an old dog who would do anything for his people.

  21. The Sphero Star Wars R2-D2 App-Enabled Droid because he will be my work companion and make cute beeps and bloops to help me get through the day!

  22. SPHERO STAR WARS R2-D2 APP-ENABLED DROID would be my choice! R2-D2 is the most underrated hero in movie history. He’s not just some cutesy sidekick that provides comic relief with C-3PO, he’s a badass. He has a feisty attitude and I’d be proud to display this in my living room. Talk about a conversation piece!

  23. The BB8 RC for my BB8. Her name is Brooke, was born in 2008, and she is a ginger, hence the nickname. Although anything Star Wars and I get giddy with excitement

  24. My favourite is the Propel SW TIE Fighter Advanced Battling Quadcopter Drone because drones are awesome and I’ve always loved the design of TIE Fighters!

  25. R2-D2 app enabled droid is my favourite cause he is just so darn cute. I have enjoyed all the Star Wars movies with him and his quirky sounds. Would love to have one around the house.

  26. I’m loving the app enabled R2D2. He’s always been one of my favorites since I first saw the movies in the 70’s as a kid!

  27. I would really love to have Lenovo Star Wars: Jedi Challenges VR Headset with Saber & Beacon, it seems so cool and as I actually love VR and Star Wars this could be the best of both world!

  28. UB TECH STORMTROOPER!!!! Super COOL! To have a Stormtrooper under my command, love it! Ever since the original Star Wars the sight of the Stormtroopers sent chills down my back with their intensity and power! It would be awesome to be able to control one with voice activation! Thanks for the chance Best Buy this would be amazing!

  29. The Stormtrooper
    Who would not want a little AI Robot patrolling your house πŸ™‚ . But it is way too hard to just pick one πŸ™‚

  30. I like all star wars stuff but I really like prize b it seems to be the one I would choose Thanks for the great contest and information you provide here, it makes it worthwhile!! πŸ™‚ Thanks for a chance to win with Bestbuy!

  31. STAR WARS BB8 RC would be my fav to play with. I loved BB8 in the movie, even though he didn’t say much he was funny. (Love the thumbs up lighter) It would be awesome to have our own to drive around the house, the yard and play with. I would def love him to death. πŸ™‚ This is a great give away! Thanks!

  32. My favourite is the droid inventor kit! I had the “droid factory” as a child, and I think my kids would love this much fancier version πŸ™‚

  33. I think the STAR WARS BB8 RC would be awesome, as not only the kids would love having a playmate such as that, but so would my 2 cats! πŸ™‚

  34. R2D2 has always been a favorite of mine… even though it is a robot…. the noises that it makes seems like emotion.

  35. The Sphero R2Q5 is the best! Beautiful droid that can patrol and interact with other Spheros! Can’t wait to own some.

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