Star Wars toys keep getting better with each new movie. Two years ago, when “The Force Awakens” introduced the cute droid BB-8, Sphero introduced their incredibly accurate working version of the droid. Star Wars toys are an integral aspect of the experience: many of us grew up playing with them. So with a new movie arriving this year, Best Buy will help ensure this tradition continues by giving away almost $4000 worth of Star Wars toys in this contest! Which one are you dying to add to your collection?
Star Wars toys are not just for kids
Star Wars toys were always the coolest thing around. When we were kids they were cool, and nothing has change: kids today still love them. Interestingly, adults still love them too. They are not just for collectors either. I’ve met many adults who either still have Star Wars toys from when they were a kid, or ones they’ve acquired more recently.
I have a shiny silver Millennium Falcon that I think is great. It sits next to my computer at Best Buy’s head office. I used to have this massive tie fighter (shown in the image on the right) at my desk too. Unfortunately, our office was recently rearranged and it had to be moved. If I was to choose one of the newest toys as a replacement it would definitely be the Propel Speeder Bike Drone shown in the image at the top.
Boost your Star Wars collection with one contest entry
Few people have the dedication, and the good fortune, to have a large collection of Star Wars toys. Enter this contest and that will change. We will give away 2 great collections of this year’s new Star Wars toys as shown here:
Sphero R2Q5
Each of these prize packages has intelligent droids, exciting and fun drones, and the just announced, augmented reality wonder: Jedi Challenges—I bet this will be the hottest new toy for Christmas this year!
How to enter
As with all contests on the Best Buy blog, entering is easy. You can enter only once. In a comment below this article, tell us which one of the Star Wars toys in this contest prize is your favourite and why (you must tell us why it’s your favourite).
What you can win
We will randomly choose 2 winners from all eligible entries. One person will be awarded Prize A shown above, and the other will be awarded Prize B. Each prize is worth approximately $1880.
This contest runs from October 20th until November 2nd, 2017.
Remember you can only enter once. With prizes this fantastic, I suggest you increase your chances by telling all of your friends and family to enter too, and propose if any of your win you share the prize! Use the share buttons below to easily post the contest on your social channels.
Good Luck!
I would love to win the SPHERO STAR WARS R2-D2 APP-ENABLED DROID, it’s old-school like me and would use it to drive my daughter’s cats bonkers.. I would also let my grand-daughters play with it as well…
Prize B would be awesome for my husband Steve, he has been a collector of all things Star Wars since he was a little boy, and he loves droiads, and the smart watch is very cool too!
The Sphero Star Wars BB-8 App-Enabled Droid is amazing, my dog loves to chase it but is to afraid to touch it. Cutest thing ever.
Come on ! Hands down : The Lenovo Star Wars: Jedi Challenges VR Headset.
It is the ultimate accessories to modern Jedis.
Excellent for training, as nowadays Siths are more and more difficult to find in the wild.
Plus I’ve heard the senate is about to pass a law regulating the use of light saber in publics areas.
So this is the toy we need and want.
Jedi Challenges because everyone should learn the ways of the Jedi!!!
I would love the Propel X-Wing drone. There is nothing cooler than that,. I would love to spend time playing with that…with my husband.
My daughter is an avid Star Wars fan, and also running a robotics programming club with her friends – so she would LOVE the BB8 app enabled droid, I have no doubt! Me? I would go for R2D2 anytime – my all-time favourite droid in this (and any other!) galaxy!
I would LOVE the R2-D2 toy because he is my favourite droid and character from Star Wars, so much so that my husband, when he proposed to me, had a custom R2-D2 engagement ring made just for me!!
Sphero bb8 because it was the first star wars movie I watched with my daughter and her name is Bee, AND she is turning 8. 🙂
Wow! What an awesome prize pack for young or old! Think the Little Bits Star Wars Inventor kit would be wonderful to win, with 4 grandsons who are getting into the Star Wars groove and who love creating, I know they would really enjoy creating with this.
I was about to say that the droid inventor kit will be amazing to have, but the Lenovo SW: Jedi Challenges seems to be out of this world! This contest sounds amazing. Thank you.
The STAR WARS BB-8 RC. It seems very easy to control for younger kids (like mine) who don’t have smart phones/ apps to make the toy function. Something my boys can have fun with and it’s part of the Star Wars Universe that our whole family has enjoyed (some a little too much) since the first release of the saga back in 1977.
I would love the tie fighter drone….I remember in the eighties having the tie fighter toy running around my yard reenacting the death star scene from New Hope, although I somehow doubt the wings blow off when you push a button.
Oh…..ahem, and my kids could play too….I guess.
Oh I would LOVE to try the lenovo star wars: jedi challenges!! It reminds me of the scene where luke is wearing the helmet and has to use the force to hit things, and I definitely wanna work on my lightsaber skills!!
Sphero Star Wars R2-D2 App-Enabled Droid because who wouldnt want their own R2 to follow them around the house
Would love to win Propel Star Wars X-Wing Battling Quadcopter Drone as it would be a hit for Christmas!
I am a huge STAR WARS fan and would love package B. It’s all about R2D2 and everything he stands for. Jedi Challenge would be most likely fun too 😉
For me it is the Sphero Star Wars R2-D2. I remember seeing Return of the Jedi in the theater when it first came out and I was barely old enough to tie my shoes. Maybe I wasn’t even lacing up my shoes then. Anyways, R2-D2 was just awesome and provided better enjoyment that the Ewoks. So, since then, R2-D2 has been my favourite thing about Star Wars. As cute as BB-8, R2-D2 is where it is at. To have an app-enabled R2-D2 of my own would bring lots of fun and joy for me and my daughter.
The R2D2 App enabled Droid because its awesome and my kids would love it.
OMG! LENOVO STAR WARS: JEDI CHALLENGES are you kidding me! I watched the trailer for this and thought VR and Star Wars this is going to be amazing! This would be fun for our boys and I know a certain dad that is a huge Star Wars nerd will totally enjoy this! Just AWESOME!!
The PROPEL SW SPEEDER BIKE DRONE CLR ED would be awesome for me to have. Not only does it look cool but I also happen to live on Vancouver Island an hour drive from where those forest scenes were shot. It would be unreal to take it and a few cameras and recreate a few scenes, you know with out the whole blowing up parts though.
I’d love package B because of the three Spheros: one for each of the kids plus one for Mom and Dad to play with. 😉 I’ve always loved R2-D2 and the new design for BB-8 and BB-9E is a fun addition to the SW movies.
The droid inventor kit looks amazing and I think my son would love it. We would have fun building it together!
Propel Star Wars X-Wing Battling Quadcopter Drone because everyone needs an X-wing
I would definetly would like to win the Tie Fighter drone. Since I was a little kid i played the computer games of X-wing, then Tie Fighter, rebel assault,etc (all related to fliying star wars ships). I also have a tie fighter and tie intercepter toy from 1999. I never flown a drone before and by winning this toy I would be able to fulfill the dream of flighing a tie fighter
My favourite is the Sphero Star Wars R2D2 App-Enabled Droid. Artoo has always been a favourite and it would be awesome to have one to follow me around at work, and watch Star Wars with. A childhood dream come true!
R2D2! I love him so much. He was the original and will always be the best. I even have an R2D2 tattoo!! I am a big Star Wars fan.
Storm Trooper Robot!!!! I’d be like an 8 year old again, I’m not sure I could share with the kids….
The BB8 RC toy. Probably the closest thing I’d every have to a real droid.
The Lenovo Jedi Challenges would be the one, so I could teach my young Padawan (grandson) to be a Jedi
Definitely LENOVO STAR WARS: JEDI CHALLENGES! My kids would freak!
I would have to go with the R2 Unit. The only force(eable) problem would be that every time he beeps, I’ll think I’m getting a text!
UB TECH STORMTROOPER – because its a robot! enough said.
I think that the PROPEL SW X WING DRONE CLR ED would be awesome because I’ve never flown a drone, and one that looks like an X-Wing would just be killer!
SPHERO STAR WARS R2-D2 APP-ENABLED DROID is my favorite. Cause it’s the most awesome R2-D2 fig ever. I would love to win this for my boys and I play with.
What an incredible prize package! My favorite, of all the toys included, is the LITTLEBITS STAR WARS DROID INVENTOR KIT. My daughter is almost 8 and she has wanted to be an astronaut for a good 3 years now. She is fascinated with space, and thanks to her dad and brother, is a huge fan of Star Wars as well. We have seen most of the movies together (some are a little too much for her, so she hasn’t seen them), but she has often commented on how few girls/women there are in the movies. This inventor kit would be perfect for her, because of the incredible STEM aspect, but more than that to foster her self-confidence that girls can build robots too. Thank you for the opportunity!
The whole prize is amazing but the one that I like the most is the Lenovo ‘vr star wars: jedi challenge. It would make me feel like a real Jedi.
Have always thought it would be so cool to have R2-D2 running around my house so the SPHERO STAR WARS R2-D2 APP-ANABLED DROID would be my favorite! Would love to have this guy and share the rest with my great-nephew!
Forty years ago we gave our son R2D2 robot that whizzed around our house talking. It would definitely be my favorite to share with him and our grandson!
so many cool toys, I can only pick one as my favourite? The Tie Fighter drone looks super cool, I’ve always wanted a drone, and having a Tie Fighter one would be awesome – so many hours in the park with my kids flying the Tie Fighter Drone — so fun!!!
I love STAR WARS BB8 RC. I think BB8 is such a great new character. So cute and cool and it would be so fun to “train” him using the follow me mode and voice commands.
Sphero Star Wars R2-D2 App-Enabled Droid is my favourite – though it was extremely hard as each item ignites my inner Jedi. R2D2 has a special place in my heart as I have always and still do get tingles as he communicates his wisdom. My 13 year cat, Prince would love a companion and be spurred to have his dark side challenged by R2D2 good side
I like the Sphero Star Wars R2-D2 App-Enabled Droid because it’s a classic character, and the Watch With Me feature sounds fun
SPHERO STAR WARS R2-D2 APP-ENABLED DROID is my favourite! Who wouldn’t want their own R2-D2.
The tie fighter drone then I could chase my fiancés millennium falcon. Couples that ply together stay together.
My favourite is the LENOVO STAR WARS: JEDI CHALLENGES. I love virtual reality and I’ve never owned any virtual reality devices myself. This would be awesome to share with my two boys!
It’s a tough call, but I’d have to say the Propel X-Wing drone. Who hasn’t dreamed of flying their own X-Wing?? I could see many Death Star trench runs in the future with one of those 🙂
littleBits Star Wars Droid Inventor Kit would be my favourite because my boys love to make things and learn why things work.
The Droid Inventor Kit looks awesome – definitely my favourite. I think my son would love to build it – and I would rather enjoy helping (if necessary … Please, let me helping be necessary – ha!).
I have been a fan of Star Wars since 1977. Sphero Star Wars BB-9E App-Enabled Droid would be the coolest thing to own, my own rebot? wow!
Robot.. damn typo
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