Star Wars toys keep getting better with each new movie. Two years ago, when “The Force Awakens” introduced the cute droid BB-8, Sphero introduced their incredibly accurate working version of the droid. Star Wars toys are an integral aspect of the experience: many of us grew up playing with them. So with a new movie arriving this year, Best Buy will help ensure this tradition continues by giving away almost $4000 worth of Star Wars toys in this contest! Which one are you dying to add to your collection?

Star Wars toys are not just for kids

Star Wars toys were always the coolest thing around. When we were kids they were cool, and nothing has change: kids today still love them. Interestingly, adults still love them too. They are not just for collectors either. I’ve met many adults who either still have Star Wars toys from when they were a kid, or ones they’ve acquired more recently.

I have a shiny silver Millennium Falcon that I think is great. It sits next to my computer at Best Buy’s head office. I used to have this massive tie fighter (shown in the image on the right) at my desk too. Unfortunately, our office was recently rearranged and it had to be moved. If I was to choose one of the newest toys as a replacement it would definitely be the Propel Speeder Bike Drone shown in the image at the top.

Boost your Star Wars collection with one contest entry

Few people have the dedication, and the good fortune, to have a large collection of Star Wars toys. Enter this contest and that will change. We will give away 2 great collections of this year’s new Star Wars toys as shown here:


Each of these prize packages has intelligent droids, exciting and fun drones, and the just announced, augmented reality wonder: Jedi Challenges—I bet this will be the hottest new toy for Christmas this year!

How to enter

As with all contests on the Best Buy blog, entering is easy. You can enter only once. In a comment below this article, tell us which one of the Star Wars toys in this contest prize is your favourite and why (you must tell us why it’s your favourite).

What you can win

We will randomly choose 2 winners from all eligible entries. One person will be awarded Prize A shown above, and the other will be awarded Prize B. Each prize is worth approximately $1880.

This contest runs from October 20th until November 2nd, 2017.

Remember you can only enter once. With prizes this fantastic, I suggest you increase your chances by telling all of your friends and family to enter too, and propose if any of your win you share the prize! Use the share buttons below to easily post the contest on your social channels.

Good Luck!

Win Star Wars Toys Rules and Regulations

Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. Easy choice. The Lenovo Star Wars: Jedi Challenges would be my pick. Why? Simple. What true Star Wars fan has not wanted to be a Jedi? To do that in a VR environment would be a dream come true. Definitely a childhood dream come true!

  2. My favourite is the Sphero Star Wars R2-D2 App-Enabled Droid (R201FCA) – White/Blue. R2-D2 is my favourite character and likely always will be. Who wouldn’t want a droid modeled after their favourite character???

  3. I would LOVE to be able to give my fiancé the Star Wars BB8 RC Interactive Droid. He is obsessed with Star Wars and has many Funko Pop characters, t-shirts, hats, characters and a subscription to Smugglers Bounty by Funko. The BB-8 droid would just be perfect as the first thing he noticed on our first date was that my license plate started with “BB8”. He would love to be able to have BB-8 roll around and watch the movies with. It would truly be the gem of his ever growing collection of Star Wars paraphernalia!!!

  4. My favourite toy is the SPHERO STAR WARS BB-9E APP-ENABLED DROID. If I won I know a young lady who would be very very happy and youd make an old star wars fan happy too!

  5. The LENOVO STAR WARS: JEDI CHALLENGES is my favourite toy that is being given away. It is my favourite because it would be so cool to fully be emerged in the star wars world, and I know my friends and family would love to experience it too!

  6. I would love to have a sphero star wars R2-D2 app-enabled droid. I am almost 60 years old and so I have been into Star Wars from the beginning and nothing says “Star Wars” to me as much as R2-D2. I would have many super excited fans to share this with. May the Force be with you!

  7. My Favorite would have to be the Lenovo Star Wars: Jedi Challenges VR Headset with Saber & Beacon. I want to find my inner Jedi.

  8. Sphero App-Enabled R2-D2 because I’ve always wanted a working R2 ever since A New Hope first released in 1977

  9. SPHERO STAR WARS R2-D2 APP-ENABLED DROID – R2-D2 has been all the movies and I have liked him since I saw the first Star Wars as a child

  10. Well since I am a TFA Stormtrooper… no really, look me up: TK 3714… I would have to say it would be pretty cool to win a UBTECH Star Wars Stormtrooper Robot. If I were to win the prize pack, I would love to sit down and play with the UBTECH Star Wars Stormtrooper Robot with my grandson.

  11. I would definitely love to have a little R2 running around the house with me. The SPHERO STAR WARS R2-D2 APP-ENABLED DROID would be a big welcome. To hear his little beeps and boops through the integrated speakers and see his little LED lights flash with excitement in his dome as we clean the house, do laundry and cook would make everything worth while. Watch with Me will allow us to relive both of our favourite moments of the movies and the Sphero droid app will get us into the Falcon and maybe play a little game of Dejarik with Chewie (we’ll let him win).

  12. UBTECH Star Wars Stormtrooper Robot looks awesome . A robot that keeps my space safe . Resistance is not
    cheep , but the new order is coming .

  13. For me it would have to be the LENOVO STAR WARS: JEDI CHALLENGES. The very idea of this is exciting to me, and it seems like it will have a lot of enjoyable play options and uses in the future. And it’s pretty much the most bad ass way to be a Jedi these days.

  14. I think the Lenovo Star Wars Jedi Challenges is the best thing to SEND MY WAY. I had dreams of being a Jedi and controlling stuff with my mind, AND NOW I CAN

  15. My favorite would be the Sphero Star Wars R2-D2 App-Enabled Droid. Why – Because ever since the original Star Wars movie I thought it would be cool to have my own R2-D2.

  16. The VA Jodie challenge would be my favourie, it looks like so much fun! It would be totally engrossing . All the items look amazing, though.

  17. My favourite (well my 2 year old son Charlie’s favourite), is the Sphero Star Wars R2-D2 App-Enabled Droid (R201FCA) – White/Blue. He LOOOOVES R2D2. Whenever he sees the Star Wars logo he yells STAAAAR WAAARS! Hahaha. Like father, like son. Maybe one day we can rule the galaxy as father and son… muahahahahaa!!!

  18. Of course the Star Wars R2 D2 App-Enabled Droid. Why? I love Star Wars, I love droids, especially when they can be controlled, and I love R2 D2.

  19. PROPEL SW X WING DRONE CLR ED is my favourite–a chance to pretend to be flying the Death Star run!

  20. LENOVO STAR WARS: JEDI CHALLENGES this is something I can interact with my granddaughter on those cold rainy winter nights & bring the joy of Star Wars to her.

  21. My fav toy is the Sphero Star Wars R2-D2 App-Enabled Droid because it reminds me of the original series that i used to watch with my dad. Hes in a nursing home with parkinsons.
    He always loves the latest tech.
    A combo of the 2 would let him control the droid hes looking for!

  22. I would say the Little Bits star wars droid inventor kit. As a child, I remember the love and awe I had for the star wars universe. My son is now discovering that wonder himself, and R2 is his favorite character. To be able to relive my younger days and love for star wars with my son would be amazing, and an awesome way to pass on the star wars legacy!!

  23. littleBits Star Wars Droid Inventor Kit would be my pick, as without R2, the whole franchise falls. Without R2’s determination to find Obiwan, the Rebel’s would never have gotten the plans for the Death Star and Rogue One’s sacrifice would be for naught.

  24. The Lenovo Star Wars: Jedi Challenge looks awesome. Having a VR headset with saber would be such a fun way to get away from life if only just for a bit!

  25. UBTECH Star Wars Stormtrooper Robot. Who wouldn’t want to have, atleast one Stormtrooper, to command over ?

  26. Definitely the Sphero Star Wars R2-D2 App-Enabled Droid. Why? This is the droid I’ve been looking for. R2 has and will be my favorite character in Star Wars. He’s been in every movie star wars has made and I hope will continue. So in choosing a winner, well……may the choice be with you.

  27. Sphero Star Wars R2-D2 App-Enabled Droid (R201FCA) – White/Blue – It has the original colors and I can control it with my phone. Its the perfect size and it has Watch Me function which is awesome.

  28. STAR WARS BB8 RC, would be like my son having his own personal droid and that would be awesome for him.

  29. The Little bits Star Wars droid inventor kit because I think this would be a great toy for my daughter and I to play with together. We both love Star Wars and we love building and creating together. <3

  30. The LENOVO STAR WARS: JEDI CHALLENGES. I’d love to be a Jedi! I’ve loved Star Wars since I was a child. It would be super cool to add to the memories of lightsaber duels with sticks from my childhood with kick@ss augmented/virtual reality.

  31. My son would love the ub tech stormtrooper. Not only does it sound like incredibly cool tech but my son absolutely adores stormtroopers!

  32. Sphero BB8 app enabled droid is my fave! He is the most adorable of the droids, and I love that the controller is your phone.

  33. The little bits droid creator!! My daughter is just getting into star wars at age 6 almost 7 and she’s asked for an R2D2 before. She already has her blue light saber!! I’d love her to have something she can build herself with her dad who’s the biggest star wars fan I’ve found. 80 books and counting, as many Kenner figures as we have cups, darth Vader ps4 and more!!

  34. The sphero BB-9E, the robotics of the new droids are amazing, I really want to try this out and see how life like it is.

  35. Love the UB Tech Stormtrooper. I can imagine spending a fair bit of time checking out its features and impressing my nephews with it!!

  36. My favorite toy in this list would most definitely be Sphero Star Wars R2-D2 App-Enabled Droid (R201FCA) – White/Blue. A long time ago during a childhood far far away, I recall running around with my mother’s Filter Queen vacuum imagining it was my own little astromech droid. It would be a wonderful way to share the fun I had as a kid with my son.

  37. STAR WARS BB8 RC!! Because it’s absolutely awesome and has the very neat “follow me” mode 🙂
    This is the droid I’m looking for!

  38. I would love the LENOVO STAR WARS: JEDI CHALLENGES as it’ll allow the inner kid in me to live a lifelong dream to experience what it’ll be like to be a Jedi hands on! I’ll probably never see my family again (for a while) as I’ll definitely be engrossed in this once in a life time fantasy 😀

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