An Amazon Kindle makes reading easier, anywhere. With a Kindle in your hand, the simple, wonderful experience of reading from a book is amplified due to enhanced simplicity, and a more thorough reading experience. You’ll read more often, in more places.  Enter for a chance to experience this yourself with the all-new Kindle.

Kindle changed reading forever

There were ereaders prior to 2007, but when the first Kindle was released that year reading was transformed. It was, and still is, light enough to hold in your hand for hours, easy to use, capable of holding a lot of books (thousands in today’s version), and versatile. Not only could you get the newest blockbuster, you could load it up with classics, with magazines, and more. Additionally, you could quickly look up unfamiliar words right on the device, and keep reading with a more thorough understanding.

Books are nice to have, but you can do a whole lot more with a Kindle. The all-new Kindle is aptly named. Use it anywhere—even in the dark thanks to its LED lit screen. It will “light a fire” within you to explore more literature than ever. We sent this ereader to Ted Kritsonis for his unbiased opinion. Watch his video review of the device, then read how to enter this contest for your chance to win the all-new Kindle.


Entering this contest is easy, but you can only enter once. As I said above, the all-new Kindle can light a fire within you to read more, in more places. So to enter this contest, I want you to tell us how many books you currently read each month, and how many you think you will read if you win this prize.


At the end of this contest we will select one winner from all eligible entries to receive the all-new Amazon Kindle.

This contest will run from Tuesday May 28th until Monday June 10th.

Remember you can only enter once. However, I’m sure you know someone else who would love to read more, in more place, using an Amazon Kindle. Share this contest so they too have a chance to win.

Win an Amazon Kindle Contest Rules and Regulations

Good Luck

We frequently have many contests running at Best Buy so check out the “contests in progress” page for more great contests to enter.
Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. I read about 1 book a month. I’m currently working my way through David Chiang’s Exhalation – a compilation of short sci fi stories. Highly recommended! If I win, I probably will keep reading the same amount, but a new kindle would make the experience even more positive!

  2. Work and life have definitely become more of an obstacle to my reading in recent times, but I’d say I get around reading about 1 or 2 books a month. Hopefully with this Kindle I’d be able to read more often as I wouldn’t have to solely rely on paper copies.

  3. Through my busy life I currently aim to read about 12 paperback books a year (1 per month). With a new Amazon Kindle, I would definitely be able to bump up my goal to at least 20 books a year!

  4. I have a first generation Kindle…. I love it to death. I mean that quite literally, my poor battery barely lasts a reading session before I have to charge it again. I read at least a book a week and I have hundreds of titles saved so I am never without something to read whenever the fancy strikes!

  5. I try to read a book a week, but with summer it is hard to carry a book with you everywhere. With the Kindle it would certainly increase the amount of books I can carry and to be able to stop at any point and continue my reading – what a fantastic pleasure this would be.

  6. I read 2-3 books a month. I have a kindle account and read on my phone with blue light reduced for eye strain and font made bigger. I could probably read twice as many books (ie 4-6 books) per month with the amazon kindle as I’m sure it is much easier on the eyes!

  7. I read a couple of books a month, I’m really hoping this thing doubles everything up! I also like Amazon so that’s a plus either way!

  8. I aim for 1 book a week but it’s really hard finding that time, so I know this e-reader would help me out with this!

  9. I currently read about 3 books per month. It will go up with the Amazon Kindle as it would be more convenient.

  10. I currently read about 1-2 books a month, but with this I will be able to read 4-5 in a slow month and up to 10 in a month I have a few days off. The biggest reason is, I have a large collection of Ebooks, however my last kindle died about a year ago and I have been unable to replace it due to finance limitations.

  11. I currently read an average of half a book to one full book per month, including books for school. I’m hoping to increase the number of books I read to 2-3 a month!

  12. I currently read 2-3 books a month but with this prize, I think I could manage 4-5 because I could read anywhere

  13. I currently read 1-2 books a month,but with a Kindle I could double it by having something to bring with me

  14. Currently read about a book per month… I think being able to read on the go would bring it up to 2-3!

  15. Well I just got back from a 2 week vacation in which I finished 3 books…but I think normally it’s 1-2 a month!

  16. Currently I read 2-3 books a month depending on my school workload. However with the dresser I would find it easier and more convenient to read on the go meaning I could read 6-8 books a month.

  17. I typically read 4 – 5 books a month I think I would read double that with this prize because I could bring it everywhere with me and when I am done one book start the other without having to pack it with me.

  18. I try to read at least one book a month and I think that the kindle ereader would allow me to increase that number since I’m always on the go!

  19. Right now I read only one book a month, usually fiction, usually Stephen King. With the Kindle I would try to upgrade to at least 2 books a month, or maybe just one read through of It.

  20. I read about one book a month right now, but I’d expect that to increase to 2-3 with this e-reader.

  21. i READ 4 TO 5 BOOKS A MONTH. Using an E Reader is great for me since I can enlarge the size of print and change the print to make it easier for me to read a book. I also like being able to just drop the ereader into my handbag or pocket to take it with me. Small, light, and easy to carry and personalized for my eyes. Great!

  22. i READ 4 TO 5 BOOKS A MONTH. Using an E Reader is great for me since I can enlarge the size of print and change the print to make it easier for me to read a book. I also like being able to just drop the ereader into my handbag or pocket to take it with me. Small, light, and easy to carry and personalized for my eyes. Great!

  23. I read at least one non fiction book a month but with a Kindle, I would start reading more fiction and non fiction.

  24. I usually try to read about 1 book a month! Hopefully the e-reader would help me increase this number!

  25. I currently read up to 4 books a month, but that number fluctuates depending on the amount of work I have. I find it very difficult to read on my phone as many notifications appear and making it a distraction. If I had an Amazon Kindle, I would definitely read up to 6 books per month since I will be able to focus more!

  26. I’m lucky to read 1 a month. Would like tis to be able to take it with me and read wherever I am.

  27. Currently not reading any books due to being busy with my infant. Winning this kindle will make reading with easy possible.

  28. I read about 2 books a month but if I had a Kindle E-reader, it would be so much more accessible and I would read probably 5 books a month!

  29. I read a few books each month – mostly on my phone. I probably wouldn’t read more necessarily but I would save my eyes some strain that’s for sure!

  30. I currently read 2-3 books a months. I’m sure I could up that by at least once since this would make it so easy to take my book wherever I go.

  31. right now im not reading many books at all 🙁 my phone is too small to read on. I bet i would read a whole lot more if i won!

  32. Currently i read about 3-4 books par month, through my phone and paperback. But its hard to read from phone because of small size. And it takes longer to read. So if i win kindly i will be reading about 6 or 7 books par month.

  33. Currently i read about 3-4 books par month, through my phone and paperback. But its hard to read from phone because of small size. And it takes longer to read. So if i win kindly i will be reading about 6 or 7 books par month.

  34. I love to read one or two magazines a month, I would love to read double that if I have an Amazon Kindle.

  35. I like the idea of kindle reader rather then a book itself. Font is hard to read in a book and with this I can enlarge font etc.
    Access to so many books and how easy it is to do, I would be more willing to read more. It would be easy to take along with me to appointments to pull out and read. The light on it is a HUGE help as well.

  36. I currently read about a book a month. With the backlighting, I could probably read two or three per month.

  37. My eyes are getting worse lately so I stop reading, but with this new device, I promise to read at least 1 book a month !

  38. I”m lucky if I can read 1, but with this, I think I will read more at night while camping!

  39. I read 4 to 5 books per month and with an Amazon KIndle I’m sure I would read an additional 2 or 3 because it would go absolutely everywhere I do!

  40. I read 1 book a month now but think I would read 2-3 books a month with the ease and convenience of Amazon Kindle ereader.

  41. Probably at most 5 a month currently. But the convenience of the e-reader and the access to so many books would probably have me double or triple that a month.

  42. I love to read! I’m good for at least 10 books a month and with this ereader maybe even more!

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